When you are using calculated columns, and want to check if a 'value type' field such as a date is null, there isn't a clean way of comparing the value to null. For example: If a date is blank, return "Not set", else return the date formatted as a string.
We were able to overcome this by using the coalesce function:
if(coalesce(field(“Feature due date”), “1900-01-01") == “1900-01-01”, “Not set”, “<date>”)
if(field(“Feature due date”) == null, "Not set", ...)
Quite surprised this simple quality of life request hasn't been implemented yet.
My temporary workaround has been to use the length function which I find a little easier for people to get their heads around.
if(length(field("Objective name") = 0), "Has Objective", "No Objective")
I agree that a null check would be far easier to read, but would like to thank you for highlighting the coalesce workaround. Using this now!
ISBLANK / NOTBLANK /NULL function support so I can run a calc if a core/custom field is blank.