To be able to see features from different workspaces in 1 area that has drag and drop functionality. For example we have feature in workspaces called: game mechanics, live ops and so on... we have given a custom field to say which quarter these wi...
about 4 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Show features that are in ToDo, In Progress, Done phase
Currently I can map features statuses to colors. But if I have more that 10 features in a release is hard to tell how many are in each state.
It would be nice to have a summary that shows number of features that are currently in a ToDo, In Progres...
about 8 years ago
in Features
Will not implement
Allow number criteria when building a custom number field.
Make the field recognize numbers, but allow the customization of a number range. For example, 1-10. I tried to accomplish this with a predefined list, but it doesn't recognize the number as a value and therefor doesn't sort correctly.
about 8 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Relate / Link Ideas and Features for LSU / Agile / SCRUM
You can now promote an Idea to a Feature. But Ideas and Features often have many-to-one relationships. Right now you can relate a Feature to Goals and Initiatives but not to an Idea. If Aha! is to be used for LSU/Agile/SCRUM management, you must b...
about 8 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Our workflow for UX designers is that we open TODO for them on a feature, and they attach UX assets to the TODO and not to the feature (to allow PMs to review before adding to the Feature which causes them to sync to Azure DevOps). It would be nic...
about 4 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Independent scrolling for parking lot on features board view
It would be nice if the parking lot scrolled independently from the releases pane when it was open. This makes it easier to drag items from one pane to the other.
over 8 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
Allow feature to become requirement without leaving current view
When on the feature board view, converting a feature to a requirement, I want to stay on the feature board view after I've converted the feature so I don't have to navigate back to the desired view, especially when I'm converting multiple features...
over 8 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
Ability to drag attachments from Comments to Description of an Idea or Feature
Today if someone puts in an idea and they add a attachment to the comments, I would need to download it to my desktop and then drag it back to the description. I would like the ability to drag mocks, attachments, files from anywhere on the idea or...
over 8 years ago
in Features
Already exists