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Show only selected product when filtering by Goal Name

When filtering by Goal Name, such as on the Features Board, the list of goals to choose from includes all goals from all products. When your visible product line space includes over 50 products, the list of goals becomes really long. This makes se...
Dan Eisenhut almost 7 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Enable edit function to all Record Links

Creating Record Links between for instance two initiatives is a great way to visualize dependencies in Aha. Sometimes these dependencies needs to be changed to another dependency type. As it is now, the old link has to be deleted and a new link cr...
Guest almost 7 years ago in Application / Features 1 Unlikely to implement

Show option to "remove assignee" for records

Right now, we show a quick action to 'Assign to me' for the Assigned to field on a record. This is very helpful! Similarly helpful would be an option to 'Remove assignee' or some quick way to unassign a record without being forced to scroll all th...
Todd Meyer over 4 years ago in Features 1 Future consideration

Edit an Approval request before it is sent

We will be using Approvals as gates for requirement rejection and/or deferrals. The approvals team will need arguments and data to make the evaluation. With the current functionality the Approval is sent as the Feature enters the relevant state an...
Guest over 2 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Add ability to configure what sections are visible in the Requirements form

We might not want to initially use the Requirements sections due to our integration with TFS. It would be good to be able to hide sections on the Requirements form, and also be able to make the visible again should we decide to use that functional...
cheryl fetchko about 9 years ago in Features 0 Unlikely to implement

Show delivery of requirements across releases

Today there is no good way to show the delivery of requirements for one feature spanning multiple releases. For instance, if you have 3 of 4 feature requirements being delivered in Release X, but the feature itself won't be delivered until Release...
Micaela Heck about 9 years ago in Features 1 Unlikely to implement

Aha/Rally Feature mapping for Refined status

We currently have no way for Rally to tell Aha that a feature is fully groomed. This would help considerably to give Product team visibility to the feature grooming status in AHA for PI Planning and priority alignment. Aha has a feature status of ...
Guest almost 7 years ago in Features / Rally 0 Future consideration

Send notification to the owner of an item if it is in a given Status for too long

We have a need to set SLAs on specific statuses on a Feature. It would be nice to be able to set an SLA date on a Status when creating a custom Status. For example, I create a status "In Review" and set the SLA to 1 week. Then, when the Feature tr...
Guest over 2 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Initiative and Goals values in List Lookup dependent on each other

When entering a new feature, it would be nice that when you select a Goal the initiative list is only those associated with the goal. This would also work vice-versa, that when you enter an initiative, only the goals associated with that initiativ...
Guest over 4 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration

New UI for the Features board - Ability to save custom roadmap's and workflow boards

The new UI for the Feature board is useful, however although we are big users of the workflow board and I would like to encourage its use more the default view has a few limitations. When I open the workflow board from the drop-down it adds swimla...
Andrew Brooks over 4 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration