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Target, Commit and Stretch Lines in Feature Board

Similar to Capacity line in the feature board , we would like a target, commit, and stretch line with user defined % of capacity. Ex, 80% = commit, 100% = Target, 120% = Stretch with 3 lines. This way I could have a quick visual of my capacity in ...
Guest almost 9 years ago in Features 1 Future consideration

Show the feature rank on the feature card details

When viewing an individual feature card (especially after searching for a feature) it is easy to lose context of how important that particular feature is, since you cannot necessarily see it listed against all the other features in the feature boa...
Robert Wood over 4 years ago in Features 4 Future consideration

Bulk load a list of requirements or To Do assignments

What is the challenge? Have long lists of requirements or To Dos to add to a feature card or project; including the assigned person, requirement name, description, and the due date. What is the impact? Save data entry time for project management D...
Carolee Snarr about 2 months ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Conditional field behavior based on field values

Hi, I'm looking to have the ability to change different behaviors based on field values. For example, let’s say I added a custom field called “expected feature date”, and I assigned this feature to a release, where the release date is larger than ...
Noam Green over 6 years ago in Features 1 Future consideration

Option to restrict Features to the same release as the epic

Would like to see an option in the account / workspace to only allow features to be associated with the same release as the epic.
Guest over 3 years ago in Features 1 Future consideration

Capacity view is not flexible

Who would benefit? All team members as we use the velocity view for assignments and epic prioritization. What impact would it make? The view would be more realistic and not padded How should it work? Aha calculates used and available capacity for ...
Guest over 1 year ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Sync edited JIRA comment into Aha records

I am a JIRA user and I want my edited comments to appear in my linked Aha Record so that when I create a custom report this information is accurately reflected in JIRA
Andrew Brooks over 5 years ago in Features 5 Unlikely to implement

Add the feature rank to the feature board scorecard

Add the feature rank to the feature board scorecard. That way we can sort based on the rank within the products we have setup.
Matt Pyke almost 6 years ago in Features 0 Unlikely to implement

Master Feature > Add Information to Features Section

Business Need After creating Master Features I need the ability to see the estimates associated with features in a master feature. For example, today when a feature is associated with a master feature I can see the feature ID, name and status. I ...
Guest over 7 years ago in Features 0 Already exists

Merge features

Just as you can merge ideas, it would be great to be able to merge features.
Trit Mulligan over 9 years ago in Features 4 Future consideration