It would be helpful to have the option of an 'Add Feature' button within a list view. If only one epic is selected for the view, the Add Feature should automatically associate the new feature with that epic. If more than one epic is selected for t...
almost 2 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
When a user is deleted but they still have records assigned to them there is no way to filter to those records. I understand why that user wouldn't appear in the dropdown, but having a free form search capability to search for deleted users would ...
Blake Falanga
almost 2 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Add an optional comment when changing the status of a record
It would be really nice if you could add a comment tied directly to a status change. For example if you set something to shipped or will not do, a little text box shows up to let you enter an optional comment to supplement why you changed the stat...
Todd Meyer
over 3 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Allow search for words who are part of separated list
Searching for the word "error" will not find features with a name "Indicate if terrain is processing/done/error in designs". This is due to the fact that AHA considers "processing/done/error" a single word. I suggest to treat the chars /,-,\ as wo...
almost 2 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Improve sorting option - Color by Flagged Records at Features level and Flagged record view to include only flagged features in Gantt chart
Sort color by option would be more relevant to bifurcate between Records with risk and no risk rather assigned/ release. May be worth to include color by " Flagged Records" which should cover both Epics and features in Gantt chart view. Filters in...
almost 2 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
We design our workflow per "Workflow Approval Design.JPG" that require approval for each status transition. Take "Discovery" for example, 4 approvals would appears in To-Do tab. Approving one of them to trigger status change, and the rest of the 3...
Hank Liu
almost 2 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Make record ID's distinct for records shared with Develop team
When users are notified of Product features that are assigned to a Develop team, the notifications link the users to the Roadmaps board where it originated. On the reverse, Develop features that get assigned to a Roadmaps release, direct users to ...
Stephanie Lechner
almost 2 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
When we are dependent on say another feature, if that feature's date changes, I never know about it unless I check on the status. I know I can add myself as a watcher but would get updates on everything and I'm really only interested if the due da...
Feature History Changed to show Story History too - Needs a filter to filter to only feature
The Feature History has changed to also show Story/requirement History. This makes it hard to find the history of the feature or single level you are looking at. History needs a filter to filter to only 1 level and not the children levels.
Steve Podzamsky
almost 2 years ago
in Features
Future consideration