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We need Features to span multiple releases.

We build features across several releases or we break them into smaller marketable components of the larger feature. We really need a way to tag a feature to multiple release vehicles.
Brooke Huling almost 9 years ago in Features 10 Shipped

Copy requirements

It would be helpful if we had the ability to copy a requirement to the same feature. We use requirements as product backlog items. Sometimes they are too big. It would be useful to be able to copy a requirement as the first step in splitting it.
Tom Beck over 6 years ago in Features 3 Shipped

Bulk edit Master Features

As a product manager, I'd like to be able to bulk edit my master features.
Scott Goldblatt about 7 years ago in Features 14 Shipped

"All" "Not" and "OR" operators in filters

We often use various lists and reports. Unfortunately, their utility is limited due to the fact that filters are only inclusive. We'd like to see filters built with the ability to exclude certain things (i.e. tags, keywords, dates, etc)
Guest almost 9 years ago in Features 21 Shipped

Global Prioritization of Features

As a product manager who manages multiple products and has a development team working with multiple productsI would like a straightforward way to prioritize features across productsSo that I can communicate to my developers what our highest priori...
Daniel Schwent over 5 years ago in Features 3 Shipped

Ability to Bulk Edit Requirement fields

It would be very useful to bulk edit requirement fields including: Requirement assignment Requirement logged effort Requirement status Requirement original estimate Requirement logged time
Guest over 9 years ago in Features 20 Shipped

JIRA Epic % complete to Feature Progress

The Feature Progress field is a very effective visual of Feature % done, but there is no option to map the Progress from the JIRA Epic record using the Epic % complete value which is derived from the number of completed stories for the Epic. Our I...
Barry Kinner over 4 years ago in Features 11 Shipped

Allow to define a default release for new Features

We create a lot of features via the New Feature dialog. All these features are assigned to the Parking Lot release. Aha uses the first real release in the list as selected default entry. It would be much better, if we could configure, which releas...
Alexander Vukovic over 6 years ago in Features 11 Shipped

Show Feature Start and End dates by default

Right now feature start and due dates are shown on the feature details screen if one of two conditions are true: 1. Capacity planning is enabled. 2. The feature has been added to the release roadmap or the starter roadmap. This idea is to suggest ...
Guest about 5 years ago in Features 3 Shipped

Display user's email address when searching in all user fields

You recently released an update to "Assigned to" and "Watcher" fields so that a user's email address shows when searching for users. Please extend this capability to all user fields.
Nathaniel Collum 11 months ago in Features 1 Shipped