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Created by Guest
Created on Sep 10, 2015

"All" "Not" and "OR" operators in filters

We often use various lists and reports.  Unfortunately, their utility is limited due to the fact that filters are only inclusive.  We'd like to see filters built with the ability to exclude certain things (i.e. tags, keywords, dates, etc)

Release time frame 1 month
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  • Guest
    Oct 24, 2022

    Yes! I need to be able to exclude a particular tag

  • Guest
    Oct 11, 2017

    I'd like this feature to include the ability to filter features that have the target combination of TAGS.

    I’d to filter on the AND / OR or NAND / NOR of features tags. For example, “Only who me features that have TAG_A and TAG_B.” 

  • Guest
    Sep 11, 2017

    Hi There!   

    I have a few use cases for you in regards to custom tag filtering

    Support for Excluding Tags
    Example - I want to show all my Features that have a priority tag = "Priority 1" and do not have a tag of "Client Committed" since those are handled by another team.
    Example - every one of my cards gets tagged with an "New" or "Enhancement" tag. I like to error check every few weeks to see which features are missing one of those tags from my product. To do this today, I export to excel, then apply a filter, and select only "Blanks" to see which ones I may have missed.
    Support for "AND" when filtering
    Example, I want to show all my Features that have a priority tag = "Priority 1" AND have a tag of "Client Committed" - I don't want to see anything that doesn't have those two tags.
    Today it shows any feature cards with "Priority 1" or "Client Committed" rather than meeting both conditions.

    Thanks so much!

  • Guest
    Aug 31, 2017

    We need this feature as well with Logical OR operation.

  • Jonathan Mathews
    Aug 3, 2017

    I agree. I sometimes have to tick 50 boxes, in order to hide the 51st! Would also be helpful to have similar functionality on text searches

  • Charlene Brennan
    Jul 27, 2017

    I would like to filter on a custom field where the field value is not blank.

  • Guest
    Jul 10, 2017

    Me too.  Specifically what I want to be able to do is filter ideas

    where Creator Email Domain <> ""
  • Ramesh Pillutla
    Apr 7, 2017

    We need this feature urgently

  • Geoffrey Kim
    Apr 6, 2017


  • Luke Hanson
    Mar 27, 2017

    Any progress on this one being planned in?

  • Guest
    Feb 16, 2017

    The Idea was created almost 2 years ago, is there any chence to get it in Aha? The functionality is quite useful.

  • Laura Fu
    Feb 15, 2017

    We have to filter very large lists, and are unable to tag all features or ideas dynamically. Having the exclusion filter would definitely simplify and help us create less workarounds to our processes

  • Roy Massie
    Oct 27, 2016

    I especially need the NOT operator to filter our families of features from large lists

  • Nicola Hills
    Oct 25, 2016

    We also need to filter for tags to that a sub team can see what is both theirs AND tagged for a specific condition only.

  • Justin Alford
    Oct 21, 2016

    Additional use case for us is when filtering for tags and wanting to retrieve Features/Ideas where they contain each of the tags in our filter. Right now if we filter for TAG A and TAG B it will bring back any items with either tag. We would like to be able to have the filter show only those items that have BOTH TAG A and TAG B.

  • Carla Adlington
    Sep 28, 2016

    We need it as well. It's tough trying to audit a large list of initiatives to ensure they're connected to the correct program without filters. 

  • Guest
    Aug 5, 2016

    I need to filter ideas by creation or modified date. Currently I create the two lists separately and de-dupe manually.

  • Justin Alford
    Jun 15, 2016

    Our use case is we would like to filter our Internal features from release notes by having a public notebook pointing to a report where Feature Tags <> Internal. Currently we can only select all the current tags for inclusion that are <> Internal - however whenever we add a new Tag, it is excluded from the report unless we go back into the report and manually select it to be included. Having <> Internal would keep the report dynamic even as we add new tags.

  • Charlene Brennan
    Jun 7, 2016

    I would like to be able to filter based on release name = 'x' OR a custom field with estimated release ='x' and have it return feature results if the feature contains 'x' in either of those two fields.  The 'and' condition is too limiting.

  • Kyle Carpenter
    May 13, 2016

    Our use case is that we want to see "Feature" due dates OR "To Do" due dates that fall within a certain range.  

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