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Created on Feb 17, 2023

Aha Develop: Expose Prioritized Backlog status in record properties

We use the Prioritized Backlog as part of our workflow in Aha Develop, records going from parking lots ("Engineering Work") or Roadmaps ("Product Work") into the Prioritized Backlog as they are refined and become ready.
It would be really helpful if a record's status in the Prioritized Backlog would somehow be exposed on the record itself. The goal would be to:

  • allow using this in custom reports (e.g. to get a list of all records which are / are not in P.B., or to see the top three P.B. records across all teams - "whats next"), and also

This idea seems to ask for something similar:

    Jun 21, 2023

    You can now report on the prioritized backlog from within Aha! Roadmaps. Add the new "prioritized backlog rank" field to your report to see what your teams are planning to accomplish next.

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    • Jeff Tucker
      Jun 21, 2023

      Today's launch only covers part of this idea. I've opened a new idea to track requests for showing changes to the prioritized backlog in history. Please vote there to show your interest:

    • Sam S
      Feb 22, 2023

      When customizing cards in Roadmaps we have the option to display which sprint the feature is part of on the cards. It would be really helpful to display "Prioritized Backlog" on the roadmap cards if that's where they live. This would save a lot of time when reviewing a release and making sure each feature is either assigned to a sprint or the PB.

    • +1
    8 MERGED

    Add ability to view Develop prioritized backlog in a list report

    I want to get my prioritized backlog in a report so that I can see more fields.
    Jennifer Lange almost 3 years ago in  0 Shipped
    1 MERGED

    Aha! Develop: From the parking lot, I need a way to identify the work that is in the prioritized backlog

    From the parking lot I would like to be able to identify quickly the records that have been added to the prioritized backlog.
    Sam S almost 3 years ago in  0 Shipped