Ability to Pull Estimates onto the Prioritization Report
Who would benefit? Any client, but especially those practicing SAFe What impact would it make? Make it very clear which features can be pulled into a PI and which won't, based on capacity, so negotiations can commence! How should it work? On the C...
over 1 year ago
in Features
Already exists
As business needs change a Feature that seemed obvious to add to a release pipeline may get tabled based on new information and based on more information may need to be demoted. Even though Features can be bulk moved to Ideas the ability to easily...
Aaron Bawcom
about 10 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
I have a segment of 8 features in one release I want to copy into another release (we use these as tasks that we frequently clone into new releases. But I can't do this currently without:1. Copying the entire release (all features)
2. Deleting 90%...
over 7 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Kanban Board - Work-in-Progress (WIP) limit for status columns
Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kanban_board
Work-in-progress (WIP) is a key design principle for Kanban. The ability to limit the number of items for each status column is part of the Kanban workflow. The limits per column should be use...
over 9 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
On the Features > Board, the feature card will only show one goal even if multiple goals are linked to the feature. It would be helpful to see all goals linked to the feature on the card, when the goal field is added to the feature card.
4 months ago
in Features
Future consideration
As a product manager working with multiple workspaces, I would like the ability to change the workspace once a Feature has been created and have the new workspace name/ID update the displayed record-reference-pill copy/identifier automatically or ...
Elle W
about 2 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Hierarchy Report: Support Initiatives that have both Master Feature and Features in same report.
Right now if you create a report that shows Initiative/Master Feature/Feature, for features that are directly linked to the initiative they show as if they have no initiative associated to them. I expect those features to show in line with the ini...
Russell Swisher
over 7 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
Need to be able to bulk edit features descriptions and attachments
What is the challenge? I cannot bulk edit a batch of features to update their descriptions and attachments taht are all the same What is the impact? I have to go into each feature and update individually Describe your idea bulk edit ability for th...
Danielle Martinez
4 months ago
in Features
Future consideration
Use a Single Meta/Data Worksheet to Generate Multiple Report Types and Add Directly to Panels Without Pre-Saving
What is the challenge? The current process of creating and managing multiple reports can lead to overcrowded workflows and inefficiencies when building a unified dashboard. Users face difficulties in seamlessly generating multiple reports and orga...
Basak B Klumph
4 months ago
in Features
Future consideration