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When adding features from the prioritization board, choose where they're placed

What is the challenge? When adding features from the privatization board, they are automatically added at the top of the priority queue. However, we have had PMs in our organization that this is annoying and might not want them added at the very t...
Guest 8 months ago in Features 1 Future consideration

Support One-to-Many relationship custom field on create screen

Part of our process for writing features is to essentially create a living document using the feature layout and custom fields. We created a Use Case(s) custom table that we turned into a one-to-many relationship custom field as each feature could...
Lindsey L over 4 years ago in Features 3 Future consideration

Add 'select all' or 'unselect all' to the top of multi selects to help with efficiency

It would save time instead of having to click 15-20 items in a list. If I could use 'select all' and then just de-select the one or two I don't want, this would be much more effiecient. Otherwise I'm manually clicking 15-20 checkboxes.
Cindy Hickman over 1 year ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Option to pull All comments or only comments after integration

As a developer it helps to see additional details and comments left by our operations so we can more fully understand what is going on with the ticket. Some times pertinent information is left there as opposed to putting the into the description, ...
Guest over 6 years ago in Features 5 Future consideration

Prioritization Report - Allow more than one level of record structure

On the feature prioritization report, under the “edit columns” option, when I select “+ Add records related to this epic” it returns a blank list. I’d like to add initiatives to this list. This is needed when Epics are linked to Initiatives, but n...
Evan Hollohan about 1 year ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Add ability to sort by custom score fields on the features board

If using a custom score field in place of the default field, say to rename the field, users currently lose the ability to sort by score on the features board. Giving the ability to sort by a custom score field would allow users to replace the fiel...
Bryan McElhinney about 3 years ago in Features 1 Future consideration

1-Click convert Feature to Idea

As business needs change a Feature that seemed obvious to add to a release pipeline may get tabled based on new information and based on more information may need to be demoted. Even though Features can be bulk moved to Ideas the ability to easily...
Aaron Bawcom about 10 years ago in Features 8 Future consideration

Kanban Board - Work-in-Progress (WIP) limit for status columns

Reference: Work-in-progress (WIP) is a key design principle for Kanban. The ability to limit the number of items for each status column is part of the Kanban workflow. The limits per column should be use...
Guest over 9 years ago in Features 6 Unlikely to implement

Bulk Copy Features

I have a segment of 8 features in one release I want to copy into another release (we use these as tasks that we frequently clone into new releases. But I can't do this currently without:1. Copying the entire release (all features) 2. Deleting 90%...
Guest over 7 years ago in Features 3 Already exists

Group Level integration in Aha.

Who would benefit? All the teams who are using aha and Gitlab setup for their SAFe ways of working What impact would it make? Streamlined and logical grouping of features which are created in aha and synced to Gitlab How should it work? Group leve...
Anusha Huddar over 1 year ago in Features / Integrations 1 Future consideration