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Automatic reminders to Idea Submitters who have Ideas "kicked back" to them

When reviewing Ideas, our team sometimes "kicks back" an Idea with the status "Needs More Information from Requester" while also including necessary comments in the Comments box. We often have to follow up with these submitters but reviewing them ...
Paolo Espanola almost 8 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Extend Ideas API to include search by username

Add the ability to search for ideas by username via the REST API Ideas endpoint. This would allow easier integration with other systems such as via a support desk. That system could then easily be extended to show Ideas logged in Aha alongside sup...
Mark Evans over 6 years ago in Ideas 1 Already exists

Automatically detect when a submitted idea is a bug

When someone submits something that sounds like a bug, present a callout and instructions for opening a ticket with support. Callout should be configurable.
Nathaniel Collum over 1 year ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Bug? Promote to Feature, Delete, then can no longer Promote to Feature

Is the following a bug? Promoted an Idea to Feature, then (still) on Idea page, delete the promoted Feature. Now, can no longer Promote to a Feature, but promotion UI drop-down provides two options to promote to Epic.
Guest over 1 year ago in Ideas 1 Unlikely to implement

Apply Products in Idea Portal - Ability to sort quickly from a Product List

When configuring idea portals, I'm trying to list it in the products in this ideas portal view, can we have a search functional so we don't have to scroll down?
Marina Reyna over 6 years ago in Ideas 3 Already exists

Associate one idea to multiple products

Is it possible to configure an idea portal so when someone submits an idea that they can link their idea to multiple products? For example, in my company we have 35 brands which all have at minimum one product. We have a central digital advertisin...
Guest about 8 years ago in Ideas 0 Unlikely to implement

Add hours, minutes and seconds to date stamps

Add hours, minutes and seconds to date stamps to be able to calculate what record is the oldest/newest if you compare two time stamps. The data is already there today, you can see both hours, minutes, seconds and time zone if you use the function ...
Anna Hansson over 1 year ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Show ideas from requirements on the research tab

If an idea is promoted to a req within a feature, it doesn't show up on the research tab on the feature. I think it would make sense to bubble up these ideas for visibility on the research tab. Not sure if it also makes sense to do the same thing ...
Todd Meyer over 1 year ago in Ideas / Ideas research 0 Future consideration

Add automation to change status when comment created

When reviewing an idea IBM may require further information from the customer, in which case the idea is moved to "Needs more information" state. This idea suggests that when the customer responds by adding a comment the state should automatically ...
Guest over 3 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Allow to set the created_at time when creating internal comments via API

While setting the "created_at" attribute when creating public comments for ideas via the API works smoothly, the same doesn't work for internal comments. The endpoint used is<IDEA_ID>/comments as a POST r...
Frederik Born about 8 years ago in Ideas 1 Unlikely to implement