When searching for ideas in Idea Portals, many of the returned results don't seem relevant and it involves scanning through many pages looking to see if there is a match. It appears the current behavior is an implied OR. It would quite a productiv...
Aha enables users to create custom fields for their Ideas and to arrange them via custom layouts. The Idea Details View is the only full screen view of the Idea however, the Idea Details View you cannot adjust the location of the fields you create...
Ability to add a "tag" directly when creating a new idea in the Aha! account
Currently, you can only add a "tag" to a new idea AFTER you created the idea in the account. It would be easier if you have the possibility to add the "Tag" directly when creating a new idea within your account. I am not talking about creating a n...
It's not really possible to say whether an Idea is effort 54 or 55. It would be great if you could allow user to use Planning Poker numbers for scoring. Makes it easier to score Ideas: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3222218/what-do-planning-po...
The UI should adapt to the size of the screen so it works with tablets and mobile devices. Currently the design is fixed width and is not idea for mobile platforms.
Automated text analytics to identify related ideas
It would be a huge timesaver if Aha could automatically suggest common groupings for new ideas, especially when there is a large scale of ideas submitted. For example, there many be multiple ideas submitted all related to a common need, however ea...
Allow Reviewer users to edit their own ideas within Aha!
Currently, you allow idea editing for authors only in the portal (APP-I-961), but this is needed from within Aha as well for Reviewers for example.
Use case: employees, with reviewer role, submit ideas directly in Aha (not through the portal) and...
Move the Idea Description Field under the title field in the Idea 'Details' Layout
Users are unable to locate the description field inside an idea when many custom fields have been added. Currently the Description Field is moved below the custom fields at the bottom of the screen.
Merge Endorsements / Requests Created From Salesforce Into The Receiving Idea
Currently if a salesperson creates a new idea request from SFDC and one of our Product Managers merges that idea into an existing idea, the request created by Salesforce is not merged into the receiving idea. This is problematic for us as we use t...
Reviewing Ideas in List view
Click Idea to review
Click Actions>>Delete idea
Your view gets taken back to the Overview screen instead of taking you back to the List view
This is annoying. Please fix! :)