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Idea Comments Filter for Reporting

A report filter for Idea comments both public and private would allow for quicker identification of newly left comments by users
omar lozano over 2 years ago in Ideas 1 Future consideration

Export an Idea to Presentation in Drawer view

Who would benefit? Executive Team reviewing ideas What impact would it make? The ideas could be much more presentable. How should it work? Export from idea to presentation currently defaults to details view. The main contents of the idea occupy th...
Guest about 1 year ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

When searching for ideas to link, allow id numbers

Who would benefit? idea managers What impact would it make? idk? How should it work? in idea, select link to idea menu option in search field, start putting in idea number (ie. 252 of "PROD-I-252") idea "PROD-I-252" comes up as an option
Guest about 1 year ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Add ability to reference linked Organizations in a idea scorecard calculation

We are embracing the Organization object, and have populated our organization records with various data points, including the ARR for each Organization. As part of our scorecard calculations we would like to include the sum of the ARR of or organi...
Alex Horan about 2 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

A.I.-tag my ideas based on the idea description

What is the challenge? Our ideas portal receives many customer ideas. We intentionally keep a limited list of ideas categories so that we don't overwhelm our customers with choice. However, when we're analyzing ideas, it's often helpful to group i...
Nathaniel Collum 10 months ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Automatically prompt to enter Comment when Idea Status is changed

Changing status of an Idea and entering a private or public comment are two separate actions. Today, status can change and no comment is sent to the submitter because we forget. I'd like to see the Comment screen automatically come up/prompt anyti...
Guest over 3 years ago in Ideas 1 Future consideration

Add Ideas automation so that it allows to change Ideas status once Ideas is promoted

What is the challenge? Once Ideas is promoted or it's promoted Epic/Feature status is changed then Product team has to change the Ideas status manually to a specific value What is the impact? Manual intervention Describe your idea Adding an automa...
Ankush Kumar 10 months ago in Ideas 0 Already exists

Allow sorting for vote counts on the idea prioritisation page

What is the challenge? I want to prioritise a long list of ideas, but i can't see them in vote count order. What is the impact? I have to scroll through 100s of ideas to find the ones with the highest votes. Describe your idea Add sorting to both ...
Mike Lowery 5 months ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Allow to add custom fields to the layout tabs

Add the custom fields onto the existing custom layout tabs (Votes, ToDo, Comments e.t.c.)
Guest about 2 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Allow a privacy selection for portal comments: Comment creator and idea submitter only

What is the challenge? Our specific Ideas portal is for our internal employees only. Because of this, the existing idea portal comment privacy selections do not apply. What is the impact? Any portal comment that we add will always be visible to al...
Guest 5 months ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration