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View release in multiple columns

Similar to how GitHub works, I would like the ability to view a release as multiple columns. This would help when we have more features in a release than fit on the screen at one time - especially when dragging and dropping the features to priorit...
Guest almost 5 years ago in Releases 0 Future consideration

Make it easier to add features to release phases.

Dragging and dropping is difficult and annoying. Is there a way we can have an "Add to phase" button like the one we see when adding an existing epic to the roadmap?
Jaclyn Fine about 8 years ago in Releases 3 Already exists

Progress chart for master releases

Master releases could show exactly the same progress chart as releases based on content of sub-releases attached to it. Same feature, just combined data from 1-n sub-releases.
Daniel Pokrývka almost 5 years ago in Releases 0 Future consideration

Apply Master Release Status to Sub-releases

When the status of a Master Release is changed, their should be an option to apply this change to all associated sub-releases.
Allen V. over 6 years ago in Releases 1 Future consideration

Change cardinality between feature and release to 1:N

It just so happens that features are not finished within a single release and then there is problem with what to do. Create a custom status "unfinished" or make a cut at the finished work and clone the feature to next release to capture leftover w...
Daniel Pokrývka almost 5 years ago in Releases 3 Future consideration

Files attached to features should be copied also when copying entire release

currently, when a release is copied to another board, comments and attachments in features are lost. It would be great if these could be copied over also. Linking files will be the alternative for now, but I prefer to drag and drop some images ...
Guest about 8 years ago in Releases 0 Already exists

Custom branding of release note notes

As a Product Manager, I would like to be able to customize the branding of release notes. I would like to replace the Aha! logo with our own company logo.
Tom Beck over 6 years ago in Releases 3 Unlikely to implement

Send ship notes as formatted

As a Release Manager, I can format the ship notes to maximize readability and comprehensive by the recipients of the resulting message. Today, the message delivered ignores the formatting and splits the content into multiple white "boxes". Indent...
Tom Beck over 6 years ago in Releases 2 Future consideration

Add Release Details back to the Details View

The change on the Release Details view to 'Quick Links' instead of simply viewing the release-specific gantt, is not a user friendly view & causes extra workflow steps to see a View our team is used to inherently seeing on one screen. The best...
Guest almost 5 years ago in Releases 1 Future consideration

Ability to add an automation based on whether a record is in the Parking Lot or Not

Our teams are using the Parking Lot to note whether an epic or feature is prioritized or not, but this isn't easy to see if not in the board view. We'd like to be able to add an automation based on whether the record is in the Parking Lot or the a...
Kristina Ursin over 3 years ago in Releases 1 Future consideration