I want to set a lot of goals for the product and the product team. I associate these with iniatibes, which are like company / product objectives.
Iniatives can have dates (start & end), but Goals do not, just a text-based time frame. I wou...
over 7 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
My company & SLT desperately needs the new re-order capability at the Initiative Level. The ability to quickly drag & drop Inititatives across all products in the correct order & report on it would save so much time/money since we are ...
about 5 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
My single biggest frustration with aha is that roadmaps can only exist if you use features and releases. I am trying to move away from planning like this and forge a more "lean" path where our roadmap is centred around problems we want to solve - ...
over 7 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
It would be helpful to be able to group goals both logically and visually by a theme, this would work very well with the OKR (Objective Key Results) style of goal setting.
Wayne Allan
about 8 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
Ability to keep an initiative or goal from being used
Need ability to keep initiatives and goals accessible for reporting - especially as we cross over years; but, need to keep folks from using them. It seems if we keep them from using them we can report on them which is the problem we are needing to...
Karie Kelly
over 2 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
As a product manager I'd like to also store decision logs I'm making in the tool
I'd like to store decision logs (beyond just the feature priority). It may be target markets, initial decisions that you want to store and map to a feature or initiative, whole bunch of things that are stored today in XLS And difficult to maintain...
over 8 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
business cases capturing and comparison using infographics
Summary: it would be great if I could enter business case details for a product/service in Aha in a visual way and then have the ability to pick and compare the cases/products on one page.
As a Product Manager/Owner I want to create/capture busi...
almost 6 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
Make it easier to create and Link Initiatives to Goals
When I am creating my initiatives that will relate to my goals, I find myself having two tabs open with the initiative and goal view, as it easier to see all the information about the goals, and finding my goals in the search field can be frustrat...
Andrew Brooks
about 6 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
Add component "Assumptions" to product "Vision" tab.
I know a new custom Vision component can be added, but "Assumptions" might make a good stock one. I'd wager a lot of your user's follow the general philosophy outlined in "The Lean Start-Up" and would benefit from having this component smack them ...
about 9 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists