I do not see anything that covers target market like who would you sell this product to if you are trying to sell to companies. We have user personas but target market personas are different. Like fast food restaurants, department stores, etc We w...
Sherri Anderson
over 4 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
Add more than one custom persona template to a workspace
We have both detailed personas and summary personas that we like to use for different situations - presentations, talking with devs etc. Being able to use multiple in the same workspace would be great.
over 4 years ago
in Strategy
Unlikely to implement
Allow more flexibility when creating custom strategic models
As a Product Strategist that would like to create a custom strategy map I would like the flexibility to resize and locate the various components added to the map instead of having them snap to a specific size and location on the mamp.
Robert B
almost 6 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Personas within a single workspace can become unwieldy, especially for complex products that cater for a wide range of very different user groups and domains. It would be great to group personas within folders. Folders would also be useful to dist...
Ian Babelon
over 1 year ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
One of the goals of analyzing your competitors in Aha, is determining differentiators and gaps between product offerings. It would be helpful to link competitors to ideas to map these gaps, and track them through your roadmap if you'ld choose to p...
about 3 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
Initiatives link to goals, and features link to initiatives. But when you go to the goals page and click "related" – you cannot see the features roll up at the goal level. If I have 9 features linked to an initiative, and that initiative is one of...
Amelia Peklar
over 1 year ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
In our workspace's Aha! hierarchy, we have Goals, Initiatives, and Features. Features belong to Initiatives, and Initiatives belong to Goals. If you think about this parent/child relationship, a Feature is a "grandchild" of a Goal. However, when b...
over 1 year ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Ability to link strategic models, specifically opportunity canvas to epic or features.
I like the opportunity canvas format. It stores a lot of detail and serves as a jumping off point to an epic and/ or feature. If they are linked, I can easily see everything I have related to the canvas and reference quickly when my team is review...
over 1 year ago
in Strategy
Already exists
I hope this isn't too specific to my co's implementation of Aha.
I find the Effort/Value chart on the Initiative page useless.
I would love to have a chart similar to the Strategy->Overview diagram, to add detailed info like Scope, Risks, etc...
Max Cascone
almost 8 years ago
in Strategy
Unlikely to implement