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Add tags to Initiatives

Would like to be able to add Tags to Initiatives (in addition to the existing capability of adding tags to Features, Master Features etc.) We use tags to track Change Control and need to be able to do this at the Initiative level as well.
Julie Edwards about 6 years ago in Strategy 5 Unlikely to implement

Inherit Vision, Goals and initatives from other product lines

When initially setting up Aha it would be great to be able to have a Strategy for the Firm and then inherit and modify each of the elements by product line and product. This way you can cascade and align objectives easily. Vision, Goals, and initi...
Guest over 10 years ago in Strategy 5 Unlikely to implement

Add "Use Case" management

Defining a vision, a set of goals and initiatives are important, but one thing that is missing is use cases. Some PMs don't define them because they can be a bit redundant or simply unnecessary, depending on the product and target market, but some...
Guest almost 10 years ago in Strategy 8 Unlikely to implement

Allow turning off colors for initiatives and goals (or making them all the same color)

Probably the most common question I get from everyone in my org who uses Aha is: "what do the colors mean?". The fact that a random color is assigned by default to all goals and initiatives is not helpful at all and only confuses people. Currently...
Tessa Adair almost 6 years ago in Strategy 3 Unlikely to implement

Add Phases and Milestones to Initiatives

As a user of Aha, I want to be able to add phases and milestones to initiatives, so that I can track important work streams relating to an initiative. Today, the only way to track work streams, phases or milestones is to create a release. However...
Guest about 7 years ago in Strategy 2 Unlikely to implement

Allow Attachments to be visible outside of the Detailed Business Model view

While editing each section of a Business Model, a user can add attachments. What is not user friendly is the attachment not showing up once the user is back on the main model view instead of the individual section detailed. The file did attach, bu...
Wen-Wen Lin over 5 years ago in Strategy 2 Unlikely to implement

Initiative Backlog/ Parking Lot

We need the ability to manage a backlog/ parking lot of initiatives, so that we can plan our product strategy without listing them definitively in the initiatives area. Background as to why we cannot use ideas: We have an intake process that ca...
Guest over 5 years ago in Strategy 0 Unlikely to implement

Add other key user groups like personas and competitors

It would be great if you could edit the persona name to something else if needed or to add another tab (like the persona or competitor) to track another business resource such as key suppliers.
Chris Waters over 9 years ago in Strategy 3 Unlikely to implement

Treeview display of Releases & Features for an initiative

It'd be useful to be able to view Features grouped under their assigned Release when looking at the Initiative Detail view. I'm sure I could do this with filters etc, but it'd be great to get a view of the features under their respective releases....
Stuart Thom over 8 years ago in Strategy 2 Unlikely to implement

Archiving Initiatives (not by Timeframe)

The ability to archive Initiatives shouldn't be based on the timeframe value but status. Timeframe can be leveraged by multiple resources, long in range, or not accurately updated. The status reflects a "done" state and is a better indicator if so...
Guest over 6 years ago in Strategy 3 Unlikely to implement