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Add ability to sort tables in notes

Who would benefit? anyone trying to present data in a note What impact would it make? would help readability of notes How should it work? Would like to be able to sort a table of feedback from the client by a column (ex. priority) or a table of cl...
Jennifer Lange about 1 year ago in Notes 0 Future consideration

Allow people to request access to Idea Portals

For private idea portals, it would be great if people could request access to the site for approval by the owners. This would be great for communities where people have diverse and common email domains and ease in the promotion and management of t...
Dan Orth about 10 years ago in Ideas 4 Future consideration

add filter for to-do section on releases

What is the challenge? running a GTM i need to be able to remove completed actions; or sort by the date due or owner. What is the impact? at the moment i have to run a seperate report to achieve this flexibility; however, when using the report, i ...
Andrew Pearson 3 months ago in Releases 0 Future consideration

Best estimate on epics is confusing when child feature estimates are not complete

Who would benefit? Situation: I am using the best estimate on an epic. The epic has 2 child features with no estimates. My epic is set to calculate detailed estimate from child features Result: The epic shows the detailed estimate as Σ0 and not bl...
Max Robbins over 1 year ago in Capacity planning 1 Future consideration

Custom roadmap does not consider the Parking lot start/end date fields

The parking lot has built-in standard start/end date fields. However, when using a custom roadmap, these date fields are not considered. Instead the parking lot bar extends the full width and is faded at each side. While the parking lot doesn't ha...
Craig Pflumm over 1 year ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Retrospective report for Initiative

Who would benefit? People who want to track Initiatives What impact would it make? Stakeholders and leadership would have greater visibility of progress, scope that is in vs. out, and what is being delivered How should it work? Like Retrospectives...
Dale Crane over 1 year ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration

Add views to Aha! records

It's possible to Add Aha! view to notes. We need the ability to embed views into records. We are often referencing work (in lists and pivots) within our records but we have to manually type it out.
Nathaniel Collum over 1 year ago in Features / Reports 1 Future consideration

Speaker notes / Presenter notes in presentations

It would be really helpful for presentations to include a concept such as "speaker notes" so that when you are presenting you're able to refer to notes per slide that could open up in a separate browser window and update as you move through the pr...
Guest over 6 years ago in Presentations 2 Future consideration

Ability to view external links from Record Links reporting

What is the challenge? If you have External Link research concepts, and you bring in those Record Link relationships into a list report or Pivot Table, users cannot access the external link directly from the report. What is the impact? You will ha...
Stephanie Lechner 5 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Highlight records in the custom roadmap with dependency issues

The ability to show dependencies in a custom roadmap helps us understand our delivery risks and what we must do to resolve challenges in our delivery plan. We'd love issues with dependencies to be more obvious while reviewing the roadmap, such as ...
Shawn Zenz over 3 years ago in Dependencies / Reports 4 Future consideration