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Speaker notes / Presenter notes in presentations

It would be really helpful for presentations to include a concept such as "speaker notes" so that when you are presenting you're able to refer to notes per slide that could open up in a separate browser window and update as you move through the presentation slides.

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    • Logan Lim
      Oct 23, 2024

      Agree 100% that we need this feature please, until then, our business team members are likely to continue using Powerpoint

    • Susie Boyer
      Apr 19, 2021

      Not having presenter notes makes it hard to replace Powerpoint with presentations.

    1 MERGED

    Add "Notes" section to Presentations

    Who would benefit? All Aha! Users who use the Presentations functionality What impact would it make? Usability would improve dramatically - users could present their material and read from their notes section. How should it work? This should work ...
    Guest about 1 year ago in Presentations 0 Future consideration