We like the new presentation theme functionality and think it is a great way to professionalize our presentation. Nevertheless it would be extremely helpful to be able to add more master slides that just one "title" slide and one "body" slide. We would need several master slides to be able to fully rely on the aha! presentations instead of PPT.
I echo Natasha's need for intro/sectional slides and in our case, we'd like to provide a template to be leveraged for an "index" of sorts as the final slide layout. The index would indicate the URL to the Aha source report(s), the owner/author of the presentation, version control, etc.
Sub section slide - these are slides that are used to highlight/ denote new sections of a presentation - Ideally we would like multiple of these (branding requirements)
2 Column Slide / 2 Content Slide - allows for Images, text or a Aha page/report per column - any combination - 1st column is text or image and 2nd column is text or image
Also the ability to change the slide header line (its always blue)
Hi there, thank you for this idea! We did anticipate this idea coming up and it is likely that we will add more layouts over time.
I am curious, are there particular layouts that you would be more important than others for your team?