Add a filter to Account Settings - Custom Fields by Used in Layout
User, needs to filter by 'Used in Layout' in the Account Settings for Custom Fields, to easily view fields used in specific layouts and more easily edit specific fields per layout, or to see or not see fields that are not in a layout. This would i...
Steve Podzamsky
over 3 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Within our company we have the requirement for every SaaS Solution to have a test system when connection to our internal SSO service. Thus it would be great to have a test version of AHA available with every license. Our current workaround is a 30...
Tom Hohenadl
over 3 years ago
in User management
Future consideration
Pivotal Tracker: 2 way sync for Requirements — not just Features
Today PT can only update status in Aha for Features. We'd like to have it update the status of requirements as well.
In our case, it's particularly useful because we map Aha Features to PT Epics (and Aha Requirements to PT Stories). So we're blin...
Yok Tan
about 10 years ago
in Pivotal Tracker
Already exists
When creating pivots - give the ability to filter to 'blank' to-dos. Currently when creating a pivot you can select to filter to Complete or Pending To-Dos but not blank To -Dos. Because of this if you select one - such as Pending - the pivot will...
over 3 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
One collective Ideas portal rather than segmented by product
Hi! I'd like to see all ideas submitted in all the product-specific portals in one place to get a high-level view of which products are generating the most ideas and take a look at all of my customer feedback more broadly. Currently each product h...
Respect browser defaults for opening links in new tab
When building web apps that hijack hyperlinks (Event.preventDefault()), please respect the default browser behavior and allow users to open such links in a new tab when using keyboard (e.g., cmd+click) mouse (middle button click) shortcuts.
over 3 years ago
in Application
Future consideration
Make New user message easier to edit and away from security
We have a custom New USer message but when you go to edit it the entire message disappears so if you just want to remove a name you have to reenter the entire message. It is also closely tied to the security area and should be separate so that the...
over 3 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Either something similar to the Terminolgoy settings, where the names can be changed or something akin to the Cateogories settings where new ones can be created and managed.
Joe Hart
over 3 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Dragging bars in Gantt charts should work in Firefox
Trying to organise features by dragging their bars in a Gantt chart view doesn't work in Firefox. It works it Chrome. Aha should support all major browsers.
over 3 years ago
in Roadmaps
Already exists
Allow ability to mass update reports when new product is added
I manage a large group for Product and Product lines in Aha! and have created multiple reports and notebooks that span multiple product lines. The challenge that I have is when I add a new product to the structure I am having to go in and manually...
Kanchan Pasricha
over 6 years ago
in Reports
Already exists