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Ideas filter by category shows all product categories, not just those related to the product selected

In the upper left of the attachment, you will see that I have one product selected to filter by, “Raydon R&D” in the “Product” filter option. I have a set of categories defined specifically for this product. However, what I see when I try to a...
Chris Waters about 10 years ago in  0 Already exists

Option to hide goals and initiatives from selection on the Master Feature, Feature or Release

I would like the ability to mark a goal or initiative as complete/obsolete so that they are not available for selection on the Master Feature, Feature or Release. I know that you can do this via Archive, but the issue with this is on the reporting...
Amy Lackas almost 6 years ago in Epic 1 Already exists

Categorising Notes

The ability to categorise Notes will be very useful, especially when I have tens of Notes. This will greatly help me move my many notes from Evernote.
Guest almost 9 years ago in Application 0 Already exists

Broadcast messages should be displayed on the Features Boards

Most users spend their time in features boards and therefore are unlikely to see broadcast messages which limits their usefulness. We recently had to notify users of a change and had to send an email to ensure they were aware of what was changing
Steven Pecchio over 4 years ago in  0 Future consideration

Option to filter out archived timeframes and releases on Overview page for new experience

In the new workspace overview tab, there are filters to show all, in progress, not started. It would be useful to also be able to filter out archived timeframes so not all goals and initiatives are showing so the context for "all" is set to the cu...
Ronnie Merkel over 4 years ago in Application 1 Future consideration

Chart Column - add option for "Idea Created Week"

There is the option to have columns by Month and Year, but by Week would be very helpful for each weekly reporting to management.
Kyle Crawford almost 3 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Starter roadmap - Epics without a start date should default to the start date of the release they belong, which is the current behaviour for features.

We noticed unexpected changes to some epic records relating to their start date. Currently, if a user views an epic in the starter roadmap and the start date is not defined, the date will default to the current date. For features, the start date w...
Jeff Spiegelman almost 3 years ago in  0 Future consideration

Dashboard/Landing Page on Ideas Portal

When we engage our customers to collaborate with us on the ideas portal, I think the chances of them returning to collaborate with us would be greatly increased if they were greeted with a more engaging dashboard the first time they logged in. Aft...
Guest almost 9 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Use pagination to remove 50-user limit in Workflow view

When grouping by assignee, the view is limited to 50 users. Not 50 users at a time, but 50 users total. The truncation seems to be arbitrary as well, rather than picking, say, the first 50 users. I was informed that this is for performance reasons...
Guest over 4 years ago in Features 2 Unlikely to implement

Include Features in linked records visualization On Epic- Details - Related tab

No description provided
Guest almost 3 years ago in Epic 0 Future consideration