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Fix cycle time calculations in Develop for Kanban

There is a fundamental flaw in how you calculate cycle time in develop. It calculated from the 1st in progress step on the workflow. If you rigidly follow each step then it would work fine, but in Kanban you can skip steps if they don't apply. You...
Mike Lowery almost 2 years ago in Workflow boards 0 Future consideration

Multiple Date Formats

Hi Team, right now we set locales in personal settings however it would be good to set locale at global level in Account settings and it would be even nice to have an option to set particular date format. We are looking forward to have this partic...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Bulk Edit to enable SSO on existing users

We recently changed our SSO configuration, but now because there is no bulk edit, I have to edit 100 individuals and switch them from password to SSO.
Jonathan Bier almost 5 years ago in User management 2 Future consideration

Display release theme on feature board

The feature board shows a column for each release, but unless you name the releases to be identifiable (I use release versions), then it's hard to quickly see the theme of each release. It would be good to have the option of displaying the release...
Kristian Kauper almost 10 years ago in Features 0 Unlikely to implement

Business Case Model at Feature and Release level

1. It would be useful to capture the following within Releases or Features: the reason for the feature or release how the feature/ release differ from others cost analysis and benefits (business case for the feature) Success Criteria (metrics) Re...
Guest almost 9 years ago in Application 2 Already exists

Include initiatives and objectives in the Related Tab under Release

Who would benefit? Product Managers What impact would it make? Product managers can at a glance identify if their user stories are tied to Initiatives and objects How should it work? Would it also be possible to include initiatives and objectives?...
Guest 12 months ago in Releases 0 Future consideration

Custom order of workspace in Ideas Portal

Hello, In addition to already implementing this feature (which I am not in conflict with), can you also add an option to allow users reorder the workspaces to the order they deem important? Workspaces in our business have different orders of impor...
Todd Materazzi almost 2 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Slow performance in EU

Half of our country is in EU-Central, and drilling down on ticket details shows a spinner for about 1-10 seconds, which inhibits productivity. Would like for it to be as responsive in EU as it is in US.
Guest almost 2 years ago in Application 2 Already exists

Record Links in Feature History

When a feature has a record link created to it that ties it to another feature, there is the Record Links section which shows the dependencies (depends on, contains, etc.) Well, it doesn't appear that we can see who has linked what records to what...
Guest almost 8 years ago in Features 1 Will not implement

One-click option to view a release as a calendar report

Over the past couple months Aha! has added some fantastic one-click report options throughout the app. You can click More options in a custom table to see it as a pre-built list report You can click Manage integrations next to the Integrations pag...
Erik Johnson almost 5 years ago in Calendar 0 Future consideration