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When "Create Related Idea" make Idea status "New" or "Needs Review" and Link it to Originating Object

Currently, when a "create related idea" function is used, the system assumes that the intent is to create an idea that is promoted to the originating Object (Initiative, Epic or Feature). However, this assumption has limited application since most...
Uma Prabhala almost 4 years ago in Ideas 1 Future consideration

Allow users to choose the default ideas view

When a user logs in, the default view of ideas is 'trending' and we have users who would like to be able to change the default to recent so they can keep up to date with what has been recently logged
Sophie Ramsden almost 4 years ago in User management 3 Future consideration

Be able to filter custom table records on most recent entry

Use case is that we use custom tables to provide monthly updates using standard fields (ie Accomplishments, Whats Next, Risks, Issues). We want to be able to show the most recent entry on a dashboard report for senior leadership to view at any tim...
Rachel North almost 3 years ago in Reports 1 Future consideration

Zoom via mouse scroller into whiteboard

Who would benefit? Anyone editing / viewing a dashboard What impact would it make? Improved user experience as expected in other whiteboard tools so creates frustration How should it work? Up scroll to zoom in / Down scroll to zoom out
Guest about 1 year ago in Whiteboards 0 Future consideration

Ability to easily search for an Aha User & Contact (Portal user) when they're the same person.

We have some internal users who previously used the portal but then moved to submitting ideas from their Aha Account. When anyone wants to see the full list of ideas submitted by these users they need to apply both the "Created by Aha! user" and "...
Claire A over 3 years ago in Ideas 2 Future consideration

Show "Record Links" between custom table entries and standard Aha records (goals, objectives, features, etc.)

If you create a custom table that includes any Aha record field, that table gives you a tag-like ability to see and link associated Aha records. However, when looking at an Aha record, it gives no indication that there's a related custom table ent...
Brian Trombley over 4 years ago in Application 1 Future consideration

Customer interview snippets linked to research

Who would benefit? PM's doing product discovery What impact would it make? I love the new capability to link notes to items through the research tab. This has brought so much more of our collaboration together in Aha (though allowing non account h...
Guest about 1 year ago in Notes 1 Future consideration

Automatically translate ideas to different languages

Who would benefit? Multi-national customers using Aha! to capture ideas What impact would it make? Foster collaboration on ideas across different languages How should it work? If user A enters an idea in English but user B can only speak German od...
Marcus Schubert about 1 year ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Allow Custom Roles to allow the creation of report folders

We find report folders are something often required by our teams but, as we have few owners to control Worksapces, Layouts etc., we ould like Contributors to be able to create them
Keith Mantell almost 4 years ago in  0 Future consideration

Integrate with

This is the open source ticketing tool that Facebook released.
Brian de Haaff about 10 years ago in Wanted 5 Unlikely to implement