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Standardize the selection dropdown UX

What is the challenge? Inconsistent dropdown styles can confuse users and lead to usability issues. What is the impact? Improves user experience by providing a consistent interface, making Roadmaps easier to navigate and use Describe your idea Sta...
Nathaniel Collum 3 months ago in  0 Future consideration

Add Dependencies to Gantt/Release Template To Dos for Better Project Management

Who would benefit? Project managers and organizations are looking to have better project management capabilities in Aha. What impact would it make? It would allow us to automatically adjust schedules when we have dependencies built in and a task t...
Stanton Melvin over 1 year ago in Dependencies / To-dos 0 Future consideration
120 VOTE

Ability to prioritize features within an epic

Instead of listing features within the same epic in alphabetical order, it would be helpful to be able to rank features within epics, not only releases.
Amanda Chan about 3 years ago in Epic 7 Future consideration

Allow admins to control the frequency of the Ideas portal summary email

What is the challenge? Due to our planning and release cadence, Ideas do not change status very frequently. Customers receiving weekly emails in which there is not change in status are reminded that their ideas have not moved and end up less satis...
Alex Horan 5 months ago in Ideas portal 1 Future consideration

Now Next Later Roadmap - custom cards by column

What is the challenge? I can design card views for the entire roadmap and want to put release date on the Now column but not the next or Later due to the level of commitment the farther out we get. What is the impact? Sharing release dates for now...
Melissa Miller about 2 months ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Azure DevOps Integration - Sync dependencies at UserStories/Requirements level

What is the challenge? Currently, Aha integration with ADO syncs dependencies at Features level only. We need to also be able to sync the dependencies at Requirements/UserStories level.Including dependencies between Features and User Stories. What...
Guest 8 months ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 0 Future consideration

Whiteboards: Use "Drag and drop" to assign a "child" record to a "parent" record

What is the challenge? Plan to migrate from Features > User Story Maps (USMs) to whiteboards to enable realtime collaboration. USMs allow users to drag a feature to a row/column that assigns the feature to the appropriate release/epic. This is ...
Dale Potter about 1 month ago in Whiteboards 0 Likely to implement

Customize the data columns displayed in My work

The record lists presented in My work almost display everything I need to know to prioritize my day and take action on the most important work. To really use these pages effectively, I need the ability to customize the data presented in the record...
Nathaniel Collum over 1 year ago in My work 1 Future consideration

Better equation function to compare against empty notes

What is the challenge? Sometimes you want to check if a note (like descriptions) are empty in an equation field. There are two empty states, one where the note is truly empty, and one where the note is empty after previously having content in it. ...
Jonathan Steel 22 days ago in Application 0 Future consideration

Ability to interact with report filters on dashboard

What is the challenge? The filters used to generate a report do not appear on the dashboard panel of that report, so to update them you need to open the full report and save your changes, then return to the dashboard. What is the impact? This make...
Guest 3 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration