I have a number of different products all of which require their own tags. Each product is sufficiently different that a tag in product one would not make sense in product two. Currently I can see all of the tags for product two in product one and...
over 9 years ago
in Account settings
Unlikely to implement
As a Japanese corporation, the fiscal years lag, so it would be useful to have the ability to set whether the fiscal year leads/lags as configuration option to ensure the correct representation of work is shown in the correct year.
Jared Gummig
over 3 years ago
Future consideration
What is the challenge? We want to enhance our presentation style to be more colorful and the current text editor has limitations. This would be used throughout Aha in all applications. What is the impact? Better experience reading documentation by...
Aaron Weinberg
9 months ago
in Notes
Future consideration
Who would benefit? Anyone who is trying to restore a work item from the recycle bin which had linked records What impact would it make? Would prevent a lot of manual work trying to determine what records might have been linked How should it work? ...
12 months ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
The release gantt chart has good functionality, but does not offer the opportunity to add custom fields. In my case, I can avoid duplication of reporting in an outside tool if I can show two custom fields for the features.
Jim Carlin
almost 4 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
What is the challenge? Most of our user journeys go across multiple products. When we story map these journeys, and create features off them, we want to be able to add features across multiple workspaces in AHA. What is the impact? Can only story ...
7 months ago
in User story map
Future consideration
What is the challenge? A clear collaborative template to use with a customer to manage a project together. What is the impact? Important for the customer and internal colleagues Describe your idea Working with a collaborator and having a structure...
2 months ago
in Knowledge base
Future consideration
Allow to hide workspace name from the Strategy Roadmap
What is the challenge? workspace names + initiative name take 1/3 of the screen What is the impact? poor visibility, the screen is too busy Describe your idea under "customize view" allow to deselect "workspace" so it it not visible on the roadmap...
Andrey Alferov
2 months ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Allow Portfolio Initiatives that use 'Work Requests' in other products that are accepted as ideas, which are then promoted to initiatives in the product to have the ability to automatically connect back with a 'dependency of' relationship to the Portfolio Initiative
What is the challenge? Use Case/Scenario: We have a business problem where Aha Products are receiving both Ideas and Work requests and need to prioritize the potential resulting work effort. Business Problem we are trying to solve: When a Aha Prod...
Mike Jacobson
2 months ago
in Dependencies
Future consideration
Create Report of Reports to see which reports are shared externally
What is the challenge? I want to build a report of all our reports in order to archive old & out-of-date reports. I especially want to build a report to see all reports that are shared externally as webpages so that I can ensure they're being ...
Eliza Crawford
2 months ago
in Reports
Already exists