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Status Future consideration
Created by Jared Gummig
Created on May 26, 2021

Customize fiscal year setting to lead/lag

As a Japanese corporation, the fiscal years lag, so it would be useful to have the ability to set whether the fiscal year leads/lags as configuration option to ensure the correct representation of work is shown in the correct year.

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  • Erika Green
    Jun 6, 2023

    As a retail company, our fiscals don't follow the calendar year which means our product roadmaps need to follow the fiscal for planning and budget needs. The current view causes confusion with our stakeholders when reviewing roadmaps and quarterly commitments as the fiscal dates can't be set to our actual fiscal weeks. Would be great to be able to actually select the stat and end date of the fiscal calendar.

  • Arpi Jakab
    Mar 9, 2022

    Given that there is variance in financial year, why not just call it "CY" for calendar year?

  • William Nassauer
    Dec 16, 2021

    This is the issue we have for Komatsu as well - same reasoning, and also a Japanese company. We have resorted to maintaining planning in Aha only in calendar year.

  • Jared Gummig
    May 26, 2021

    At Panasonic, we start out fiscal year in April, however, our fiscal year lags the calendar year. So, for example, any items that are started/due in March of 2021 are actually in Q4 2020.

    When the fiscal year settings is changed to April, Aha assumed the fiscal year leading the calendar year. This means that any items that are started/due in April of 2021 are shown to in Q1 2022. This causes confusion to our internal teams since this does not correspond to our fiscal year reporting and it appears that everything is assigned out into 2022.

    Being able to configure whether our fiscal year lags or leads the calendar year is one possible solution to this issue.

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