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Integrate Org Chart whiteboard template with Aha user list

What is the challenge? Org charts are time-consuming to create and maintain, and therefore often contain outdated information that defeats the purpose of the org chart. What is the impact? Improve efficiency and team collaboration. Increase the va...
Tahd McGinnis 5 months ago in Whiteboards 1 Future consideration

Ability to query folders and project timelines

What is the challenge? API processing What is the impact? Issues with Data Integration Describe your idea We want to integare AHA APIs as a data source.
Guest 5 months ago in API 1 Future consideration

Color coding of calculated fields based on value of another field

What is the challenge? What is the impact? Describe your idea I would like to take a value from a calculated field (like days left to due date) and change that field Red if the days left are <90 days and feature status field is <50%, days le...
Guest 5 months ago in Features 0 Future consideration

allow multi-select custom choice fields

What is the challenge? I would like a picklist that allows for multiple values What is the impact? limit number of fields where one will suffice Describe your idea allow us to create custom choice fields for one or more values.
Joy Fryer 5 months ago in Reports 0 Already exists

Fix field population in Aha/Jira integrations to only rely on email address or other specific data

Today when the Aha/Jira integration runs it looks up users in Jira based on email, then failing to find a match it checks first name, then last name. Jira returns results for these and Aha will select the first return. The problem is that if we ha...
Guest over 2 years ago in Jira 1 Future consideration

Enable Conversion of Product Workspace to Product Line

In the creation / setup phase of workspaces and product lines, we cannot change the workspace designation to a product line. Instead we have to move the data objects from the existing workspace to other workspaces, then delete the workspace that c...
Roger Octobre over 4 years ago in Account settings 1 Future consideration

Allow workspace owners to manage idea portal spam

When you have a large number of workspaces and ideas portals it is challenging to effectively manage spam. We would prefer for each workspace owner to be able to manage the spam associated with their portals. These users do not need account level ...
Erin Ward almost 2 years ago in  1 Future consideration

One idea link regardless of role

What is the challenge? Right now there are different links for the same idea for the product team and for the submitters of the ideas, which makes it really hard to have internal conversations (since the submitters can't actually see the links the...
Guest 9 months ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Personas can be 'mentioned' using # in a text editor

As a #productmanager, I would like to easily use a # to reference personas when I am defining a feature. This would work just as it does when using a # to refer to features or epics - typing #persona_name would search and find that persona. A litt...
Kelly Sebes about 4 years ago in Strategy 3 Future consideration

Standardize active user calculation

Aha! shows how many users are active in an account in two places: On the Billing page and in the CSV download of users on the Users page. For the Billing page, the number is calculated using the last login time, but for the CSV the report shows th...
Emily Yankush about 2 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration