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Ideas portal should show names for votes not photos

users rarely have cute picture for their user photo when i look at who voted on an idea all i see is the same default user icon repeated many times, it looks like the unabomber voted for an idea 8 times the names are there, but i have to hover ove...
Guest about 8 years ago in Ideas portal 2 Future consideration

Show due dates under My Work

What is the challenge? Under My Work, individual activities do not show due date What is the impact? No visibility to when a individual task or item is due. Describe your idea For each line item, show the start and end date if they are filled in. ...
Mary Daul 5 months ago in My work 0 Likely to implement

Add AI functionality to Aha! for generating themes in whiteboards

What is the challenge? Adding AI Functionality to help generate summaries and themes, etc. from research What is the impact? Cuts down the time to glean insights from research projects Describe your idea Find themes from notes in a whiteboard.
Guest 5 months ago in Whiteboards 2 Future consideration

Compare changes between two roadmap version

What is the challenge? My board and ELT routinely want to see the roadmap - and they want to know what moved from the prior meeting. I currently "snapshot" the roadmap (to PNG) and then manually go item by item for the next (quarterly) meeting to ...
Guest 10 months ago in Roadmaps 3 Already exists

Improve editing features within tables in Notes/Knowledge to make them more reliable

What is the challenge? Tables are a great, versatile component, however editing text within tables gets a bit erratic: typing within a sentence or editing a word will unexpectedly send the cursor to the end of the paragraph or sentence, making edi...
Ian Babelon 10 months ago in Notes 4 Future consideration

Roadmap Quality Control Dashboard

What is the challenge? People don't keep their roadmaps data complete and up-to-date What is the impact? Consumers of the roadmap don't have the information needed when interacting with the roadmap and either make incorrect judgments based on that...
Guest 3 months ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Add idea rank to the feature prioritisation board

What is the challenge? I have to combine multiple idea prioritisation boards into one feature prioritisation board. It's great to have the idea votes but the idea rank would be helpful too. What is the impact? I have to look at the ranks on 3 boar...
Mike Lowery 3 months ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Chord Chart creation

What is the challenge? Display a Chord chart using Aha! instead of Tableau What is the impact? Keep a very nice chart in Aha instead of extracting/API data to Tableau for the same chart Describe your idea Expand on chart graphics to display and ed...
Travis Christman 3 months ago in Reports 3 Future consideration

Add function to "send backward" and "bring forward" on Whiteboard shapes

What is the challenge? Currently, I can only "Send to back" or "Bring to front" on a whiteboard, which limits my ability to work with layered shapes. Without a "Send backward by one layer" option, adjusting complex, multi-layered diagrams becomes ...
Madeleine Black 3 months ago in Whiteboards 0 Future consideration

Split Submitted Ideas

When some ideas are submitted to us, the idea comes through with 2 or 3 (or in some cases more!) ideas in it. We have a few custom fields that tie to each submitted idea - so what would be good is if there was a "Split Idea" button which essential...
Guest over 9 years ago in Ideas 8 Future consideration