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Propagate Epic status change to linked Features

What is the challenge? Change in Epic status not reflected in associated Features What is the impact? Lack of status sync between Epic & Features Describe your idea We leverage Epic as the primary record for approval workflow. I would like to ...
Senthil G about 1 month ago in Epic 0 Already exists

I need a variable/custom field to insert the current year (or another value) in a KB.

What is the challenge? having to manually replace current year in KB What is the impact? wasting time and effort multiple times for something a computer should do Describe your idea Using a variable to insert the current year in the footer (or els...
Mark T 23 days ago in Knowledge base 0 Likely to implement

Ability to show Ideas Status on Dashboards

What is the challenge? Presently, unable to show present Ideas Status overview as cleanly as can do when visiting an Ideas Portal What is the impact? Loss of communication of ideas being worked and status Describe your idea Enable ability to inser...
Guest 23 days ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Individual Work View

What is the challenge? It's difficult for individuals on my team to know what to focus on among all the items assigned to them. What is the impact? Requirements and ideas are not attended to causing poor communication with stakeholders and lack of...
Charlton Bilow 2 months ago in Application / My work 4 Future consideration

Consolidate Product Key Results to a Portfolio Goal

What is the challenge? As a senior executive of many portfolios, I need an automated way to compile all related key results so that I can easily see how products are progressing toward my overarching goal. For example: Persona: I'm a Portfolio Man...
Mike Jacobson about 2 months ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration

Ability to configure scope of selection for custom "users field"

What is the challenge? Based on our use case, we need the ability to configure the scope of selection for the custom "users field" What is the impact? Not able to configure the scope of selection. Describe your idea Need ability to configure the s...
Hank Liu 8 months ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Provide a way to specify whether the text in a URL field should be enabled for searches, especially on the portal.

What is the challenge? Can't easily find an Idea by searching for a related ticket ID or document number. What is the impact? I want users to be able to find Ideas, by searching for a references/links to an external system's ticket ID, document nu...
Eric Masur 13 days ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Define schedule for refreshing shared webpages

What is the challenge? Right now, there is no option to set a schedule for when shared webpages are refreshed. What is the impact? Greater control of the data shared with stakeholders Describe your idea Allow users to set a schedule for when share...
Chrissi McNamara 25 days ago in Roadmaps 1 Future consideration

Now Next Later Roadmap - custom cards by column

What is the challenge? I can design card views for the entire roadmap and want to put release date on the Now column but not the next or Later due to the level of commitment the farther out we get. What is the impact? Sharing release dates for now...
Melissa Miller 2 months ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Ability to interact with report filters on dashboard

What is the challenge? The filters used to generate a report do not appear on the dashboard panel of that report, so to update them you need to open the full report and save your changes, then return to the dashboard. What is the impact? This make...
Guest 4 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration