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I'd like the ability to filter in a report by the top/bottom # of ranked items

When discussing relative prioritisation of items across multiple products with senior management I produce a single pivot table to provide a view of the top say 10 feature requests across each of our products, together with their individual scores...
Stephen Taylor over 5 years ago in Reports 1 Shipped

Notify the appropriate users when they need to evaluate a work request

Work requests are a great new feature, and it's great that they can be assigned to workspaces. However, there needs to be a way for the appropriate users to be notified that there is a new workspace that needs their attention.
Mark Eaves almost 3 years ago in Application 0 Shipped

Add support for work requests within Automations

Work requests are a great way for us to request work from multiple product teams that might play a role in our launches. There currently isn't a way to include work requests in automation rules. There are a couple use case we would need: 1) Abilit...
Mark Eaves almost 3 years ago in Application 0 Shipped

Add Stoplight rating to Features

Add the ability to have Green, Yellow/Amber, Red status to a Feature. When feature is created it would default to Green.
Guest almost 8 years ago in Features 6 Shipped

Have the newest comment be on top of the comment section in an idea

When we click on an idea, we see the oldest idea. It would be a small UX improvement to have that list of comments have sort functionality to determine what a user wants to see. Maybe as an idea portal setting in their account? "Always show newest...
Guest almost 7 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Shipped

Show Progress on the Features Roadmap for each Release and for the Master Release

We want to be able to easily share progress against releases. The Features Roadmap is the best visual to share with internal stakeholders, but you have to click into each release to see the Progress. I want to see the progress of each release as w...
Guest over 4 years ago in Roadmaps 0 Shipped

Enhancements to Release dependencies

This is an extension of this request - Now that the link for a dependency is more identifiable, we'd like to be able to use it in the following way: -We need a way to visualize this so would like to see th...
Aldon C over 8 years ago in Releases 1 Shipped

Ability to bulk edit ideas or features on a whiteboard

It would be great to select some shapes (linked to ideas) on a whiteboard and make changes to a field. In a similar way that you can with Miro or Lucid's Jira integrations
Geoff Bullen about 1 year ago in Whiteboards 0 Shipped

Order of Features

Hi, Attached is a template I created for my programs. Is there any way that the order of the features do not change, regardless of what date I put in? Right now, I have many features to track, and I had to purposely set a date so that it appears ...
Guest over 8 years ago in Features / Releases 2 Shipped

Roll-up (Product line) initiatives should set their dates automatically from their contained initiatives

Now that initiatives have their own start-end dates, it would be super helpful (and logical) if a product-line roll-up initiative could set it's dates automatically from the initiatives that are rolled-up rather than from releases to which it is l...
Guest over 8 years ago in Strategy 1 Shipped