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User generated tags for the ideas form

When adding a custom field from the Tag type, allow ideas portal users to either select existing tags or to create new ones on the fly. The tags will be used to represent individual customers who asked for this feature, so later on this can be use...
Tomer about 4 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Unlikely to implement

When adding users to the Ideas portal, I'd like to see who has actually followed up and created an account.

This will allow us to see how many people have signed up to the portal, after we have added them as a user. Therefore being able to send reminders to users who aren't using.
Alex BERRY about 8 years ago in Ideas 2 Already exists

Ability to drag attachments from Comments to Description of an Idea or Feature

Today if someone puts in an idea and they add a attachment to the comments, I would need to download it to my desktop and then drag it back to the description. I would like the ability to drag mocks, attachments, files from anywhere on the idea or...
Guest about 8 years ago in Features 1 Already exists

See inherited personas in the product's Strategy/Persona's page

It's great that we can inherit personas from parent products but we need to be able to see those inherited personas in the Strategy/Persona Page of a child product ... right now you need to change PRODUCT in order to see the inherited personas whi...
Michel Besner about 8 years ago in Strategy 1 Unlikely to implement

Include Feature Images in the Release Card

This is for the Features Roadmap view. Display a thumbnail image for each feature in the release card. This would provide visual reference when sharing the roadmap view. If a feature has an inline image, include it in the Release card along with t...
Guest about 8 years ago in Features 1 Unlikely to implement

Administrators to only have access to their own admin items (custom fields, workflows, etc)

Would allow for decentralized Aha! admin managemnet
Matt Bushman about 4 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Search bar with Ideas List

As a PM, I often want to review the ideas list and search for a specific keyword. This is useful when you want to find ideas that relate to a specific topic ... it's then easier to merge ideas and to promote them to a feature
Michel Besner about 8 years ago in Ideas 2 Already exists

Don't Group By Filters when the field isn't in the Report

When you add filters to a report like "Goals" and a feature is associated with more than 1 goal it duplicates the lines in the report. However, when the field that you are filtering on is NOT in the data set it shouldn't be grouping by this field ...
Guest about 8 years ago in Reports 1 Will not implement

Custom text on portal landing page for usage guidelines and process

We would like the option to include custom text on the portal landing page to inform portal users of usage guidelines and the ideation process to set expectations.
Steven Chan about 4 years ago in Ideas portal 2 Already exists

For Presentations using the 'No layout' option for slides, need the ability to edit the table of contents

So that the table of the content looks more professional
Tom Gallo about 4 years ago in Presentations 0 Future consideration