Add comment date field so I can view a feed of comments by requirement in order of recency
My team uses comments to track updates on requirements, and a lot of the requirements take a long time to complete, so it's hard for me to pull a report that really demonstrates my progress when some weeks I don't even complete any requirements, I...
Status changes in fixed workflows driven by other workflows
Dear Team. Changing from flexible workflows, we are about to introduce a fixed workflow for our idea promotion and epic creation process in order to support better our requirements and approval gathering needs. Once an idea (with fixed workflow) i...
Krisztina Hodjan
almost 4 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
As an administrator of our aha account I would really like to be able to have an overview of all users on one screen together with all the products and product lines as a kind of matrix view. This would make it possible to have a total view of the...
almost 8 years ago
in Account settings
Unlikely to implement
I built a Custom Table and added a few fields, however I noticed that when I go to build a report, the layout seems to merge the table name with the field name (for identification purposes) which is a GOOD THING, however it can lead to long names,...
Joe Carpenter
almost 8 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
Currently the Idea Portal has 3 levels of portal idea visibility: Internal only Employee and Internal only All users. It be great if we can add "Advisory Board" or "Elevated Users" (or other better suiting term) which basically would have a visibi...
Chris Eichermüller
almost 4 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Manage custom Goals and Initiatives fields in Strategy page
I would like to manage custom Goals or Initiatives fields on the Strategy > Goals or Initiatives pages for my product.
Background: In an organisation with several layers of product lines, I have custom Goals fields at a lower level (because the...
Nick Mariette
almost 8 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
It is great to be able to view each competitor and their related detail. It would be super valuable to be able to extract a report that shows a collated view of all the Competitors data. This would give an indication of trends that could be noted ...
almost 8 years ago
in Strategy
Unlikely to implement
Improved guidance when custom field personas moved between products/product lines
Currently when personas are moved from a product to a product line, and presumably to other products, any custom fields not shared between the two products are "lost". This leaves the user, i.e. me, in a panic because it appears that all of the da...
almost 8 years ago
in Strategy
Unlikely to implement
Currently when you save/refresh, you get bounced back to the table where you can see all your custom layouts. It would be nice to have the saving happen on the layout builder page so users can keep editing without having to click back into the lay...
Jessica Murray
almost 4 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration