Dynamic Filters When Using a Custom "Workspaces field" to Filter
When using filters in Features, Releases, or Roadmaps, dynamically show options that are relevant to what has been filtered. This is already implemented when using a workspaces filter and a specific workspace or group of workspaces is selected. Th...
Jeffrey Ma
almost 4 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Ability to add specific field from elements like feature (currently only defaults to feature name for example)
When adding other entities like scenarios to a feature, it is useful if we can associate a feature number rather than the feature name which is the default field when you use the many to many table
Arun Kalyanaraman
over 7 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Don't change case of customized terms in Terminology
As a Product Manager, I want terms to be displayed a certain way so that it communicates my intent. Instead of "feature", I prefer the "PBI" and "Product Backlog Item". My terms, however, get as "Pbi" and "Product backlog item", respectively. I th...
Our workflow for UX designers is that we open TODO for them on a feature, and they attach UX assets to the TODO and not to the feature (to allow PMs to review before adding to the Feature which causes them to sync to Azure DevOps). It would be nic...
almost 4 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
I'd like to create a to-do on behalf of someone else. This is useful, when someone reqeusts something from me, and I would like to convert it to a to-do.
Ori Kanfer
almost 4 years ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
Automatically include links in dependency vizualization
I love the visual dependency map. One enhancement I would like to see considered is that initiatives that have other initiatives roll up into them should show automatically in the dependency map even though an explicit "link" has not been establis...