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If you mention a user in a comment it should add them to the list of followers

What is the challenge? In order to drive more engagement and keep people up to date with feature requests that they are or should be interested in it's often required to add them as followers, if you mention someone in a comment it would make sens...
Guest 8 months ago in Comments / Notifications / Ideas 0 Future consideration

Pass data in shared fields between objects through linked objects

We would like data to be passed using shared fields across objects the same way promoted objects work. Today, if a field (e.g UCMGID) exists with same API key in IDeas, Features, Epics etc, that data will be passed when the Idea is promoted. What ...
Karla Johnson over 2 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Filter Workflow board in Aha Develop by product workspace from Aha Roadmaps

I need to filter the workflow board in Aha Develop by product workspace from Aha roadmaps. I have 3-4 product workspaces from Aha roadmaps flowing to the same Dev team in Aha Develop. I need to be able to filter the workflow board by product works...
Travis Hampton over 3 years ago in Workflow boards 7 Already exists

Work schedule at individual level

We would like to be able to view an individual's work schedule when reviewing capacity planning at an individual level. Capacity currently defaults to 8 hour day and workschedule is only supported at team level.
Ruth Gardiner over 2 years ago in Capacity planning / Development 1 Future consideration

Enable the ability to automatically sort the feature cards in each workflow column (by score, estimate, rank, etc.)

This has been requested to provide more default options for sorting.
Donna Sawyer over 8 years ago in Features 12 Future consideration

Customize the "Key results" table on the Related tab

Who would benefit? Everyone tracking OKRs in Aha! Roadmaps What impact would it make? Allow me to customize the key result data displayed on my records How should it work? Ability to customize the "Key results" table on the Related tab
Nathaniel Collum 12 months ago in Strategy 1 Future consideration

Report on available team capacity in list/pivot report

The Capacity report for teams provides the ability to see the available capacity per team per time period by hovering each cell/ It would be helpful to be able to include the available capacity per team in a list/pivot report. This would provide t...
Craig Pflumm over 3 years ago in Capacity planning 1 Future consideration

If you link an initiative to an epic, it would be nice the features linked to the epic are automatically linked to the initiative

Who would benefit? Product owners What impact would it make? Less manual work How should it work? Link epic to an initiative Pop up to link the features as well (cfr when you move an epic to another release) Without use of automation rule (no ente...
Cindy J about 1 year ago in Epics 0 Future consideration

Ability to add PO functions to a Custom Role

We have recently implemented Custom Roles in our space that bumped the PO role to Contributor + Custom (eliminating the ability to add new product and granting paid seat access, etc - see attached) We would like the ability to change some of the t...
Marina Reyna over 5 years ago in Account settings 8 Future consideration

Import knowledge base notes from Zendesk

What is the challenge? When moving from a ZenDesk knowledge base to an Aha! knowledge base, currently each document must be uploaded to Aha! individually. What is the impact? This would improve the speed for migrating tools. Describe your idea Add...
Emily Yankush 6 months ago in Knowledge bases / Notes 0 Future consideration