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Ship more Sub Releases at time

Having more than 1500 products it is time consuming to ship Sub releases one by one. It would be very helpful to select all (or at least a number) of them at the same time
Monica Rossi over 7 years ago in Releases 0 Will not implement

Add Features of a previous Release to another Release

We're currently release in batches. We're having monthly releases that are delivered to our customers through our Marketplace. Every 3-6 Months we're having a cumulated release where all the features since the last cumulated release are included -...
Fabian Henzler almost 10 years ago in Releases 2 Already exists

Ability to create custom drop down with values from another custom field in another workspace

I would like to create a custom drop down field that appears on all Epics that use a shared layout. The custom field should be the available values in another custom field for a specific workspace. To illustrate: * On workspaces 1-10, I want to ad...
Guest over 2 years ago in Epic 0 Future consideration

Allow resizing of the Release Phase Column & Reorder Release Phases on Release Details Page

1. Allow resizing Release Phase Column on the Release Details Page Quite frequently our Release Phase names are longer than the default width of the Release Phase column on the Release Details Page. E.g. "Planning Sprint 0 (TFS-0)" does not fit o...
Alex B almost 5 years ago in Presentations 0 Future consideration

Provide sorting capability for custom fields (tags and Choice lists)

We have a large client list and when a feature has been requested by a client, we associate the client to the feature. With a long list of clients, being able to sort the Alphabetically (ascending/descending) would make choosing the Clients far ea...
Jerrold Emery over 7 years ago in Account settings 1 Already exists

Option for a field type of Month

Please add support for a field type which captures Month and is graphable on a timeline. When estimating timelines, we usually don't get to a day level precision, but we need to put in some sort of date in order to generate a timeline view. But of...
Lisa Gutierrez over 2 years ago in Schedules 0 Future consideration

Include clickable Idea links in web reports

If I generate a report based on Ideas, I can include the Idea URL for the portal ("Idea submitted portal URL", but if I generate a web view for the report to share with external stakeholders (non-Aha users) the link is not clickable. It would be v...
Nicola Rolando over 2 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Group Idea Status by action required / no action required

On the Ideas Overview page, we would like to be able to group the idea statuses by action required / no action required e.g. action required on one side, no action required on the other side.
Julie Edwards over 2 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Add actions to Transitions

It'd be great to kick off actions based on a particular transition. For example, if a feature goes from "Ready to Develop" to "In-Development", I'd love for it to be automatically sent to GitHub just by pressing that transition button. Obviously, ...
Guest almost 10 years ago in Features 0 Unlikely to implement

In the features list I would like to be able to filter out "Parking lot" features

Currently it's hard to tell which features are in the parking lot and which are in "active" releases with dates. I tried using release dates but it's not very effective.
Guest almost 10 years ago in Features 4 Already exists