Ability to edit Dependency types within the link. Currently, user needs to delete dependency and create new one. For example, as a user, if I label a dependency "Depends on" and the dependency type should be "relates to", I should be able to chang...
Josh Tambor
almost 5 years ago
in Dependencies / Features
Future consideration
We want to be able to generate an ongoing report that would show ‘enabled or disabled’ ideas portals. Use Case: we need to be able to search our archived products and determine if they are using ‘enabled’ idea portals so we can disable them.
over 2 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Provide sorting capability for custom fields (tags and Choice lists)
We have a large client list and when a feature has been requested by a client, we associate the client to the feature. With a long list of clients, being able to sort the Alphabetically (ascending/descending) would make choosing the Clients far ea...
Jerrold Emery
over 7 years ago
in Account settings
Already exists
Add Features of a previous Release to another Release
We're currently release in batches. We're having monthly releases that are delivered to our customers through our Marketplace. Every 3-6 Months we're having a cumulated release where all the features since the last cumulated release are included -...
Fabian Henzler
almost 10 years ago
in Releases
Already exists
We use release to reflect our Product Increments. As we are synchronizing with AzureDevops we cannot take advantage of the Release Phases. Therefore It would make sense to be able to define a Hierarchy of Releases: e.g. Release PI-5 --> Release...
Christophe Bucheli
almost 5 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
At our company we are using SSO to log into AHA. Our SSO takes the name directly from our HR tools where employees tend to use their "legal" name, instead of their "preferred" name for payroll purposes. But AHA takes the first and last name from S...
Track number of Presentation Secure Web Page URL Clicks
We are testing out sharing a presentation to be self service - it would be great if we could have the ability to count the number of times the secure URL is accessed so we can measure adoption more easily
Juliette K
over 2 years ago
in Presentations
Future consideration
User Story Map - Hide columns and Steps - Step Status
As you work through releases for a story, you complete the development or work needed for steps. it would be great as you complete steps that you can mark a step complete or select to hide steps. this would make looking at the story easier as you ...
Steve Podzamsky
almost 5 years ago
in User story map
Future consideration
Changing status and/or approvals of master activity should have option to change status of all children actitvities
Background In marketing mode (so to speak) we use a lot of templated campaigns (master activities) that have a number of deliverables (activities) that we duplicate. Sometimes we'll just want to approve everything all at once (e.g. after a meeting...
jason mercer
almost 5 years ago
in Epic
Future consideration
It'd be great to kick off actions based on a particular transition. For example, if a feature goes from "Ready to Develop" to "In-Development", I'd love for it to be automatically sent to GitHub just by pressing that transition button. Obviously, ...
almost 10 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement