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Notification to watchers list for new ideas submission

Any one who is on the watchers list should receive an email confirmation when a new idea is submitted for that product. Currently,the watchers list is getting notified when a new comment is added to an existing idea.
Guest about 7 years ago in Ideas portal 4 Already exists

Bulk Move Master Features

I would like to be able to copy a release and move master features along with the release from one product line to another.
Guest about 7 years ago in Releases 0 Already exists

Integrate roadmaps with Supplier also using Aha!

We would like to integrate just a portion of our roadmap with a supplier who is also using aha! We need to collaborate our roadmaps together but obviously don’t want to share everything. Looking for a way to carve out a subset of the roadmap that ...
Laura Bednasz about 7 years ago in Features 0 Will not implement

Quickly select multiple items in list report for bulk edit

I frequently use the bulk edit feature in list reports but I don't see a way to quickly select multiple list items for the bulk edit. I have to check each checkbox individually. This is just busy work that doesn't add value but adds a couple minut...
Alexis Idlette-Wilson over 2 years ago in Reports 0 Already exists

Improve pie chart setting

Hi, Pie chart is commonly used in dashboard but when trying to show %ARR per product for ideas coming from SF-Aha integration, I realized this cannot be done in a pie chart and only in pivot, which is less "executive friendly" to be shown in a das...
Ronit Binshtok over 2 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

In-app requests for workspace roles

It would be great if users with access to workspace could submit a request within Aha Roadmaps for a different role to be assigned to them or for a role to be assigned to other users. This would streamline the process for admins to assign roles to...
David I. over 2 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Custom Table Pagination Configurable

Ability to adjust the number of rows seen in a custom table per pagination. For some tables fewer rows and more pages is better for others more rows on fewer pages. Currently hard coded at 10 per page.
Victoria Morrella almost 5 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Add a format painter in description fields

In all the description fields (in addition to bold/italic/underline/bullet points and so on), I'd like to have the "format painter" that exists in Office suite so that I can copy the formatting of a text to another text.
Emilie Takeda over 9 years ago in Features 0 Unlikely to implement

Search for statuses in workflows

My company has teams in different parts of the organization that use different workflows for epics & features, but many are different flavors of the same thing. It would be great to have a capability that allowed searching/filtering different ...
David I. over 2 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

First-time login pop-up content support

As an Ideas portal administrator, I would like the ability to have a popup load for my users' first login session, where we can provide them with a few helpful pointers, FAQ, and links. While we have a link to our documentation in the header, it o...
Guest almost 5 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration