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Allow the recipient of a presentation to apply their own filters

Large organizations are struggling with sharing the same report, with a very large amount of data, with multiple audiences.  Each audience is only interested in a subset of the data in the same report (ie. their own particular product family,...
Deirdre Clarke over 6 years ago in Reports 4 Future consideration

Restrict ability to open or close sprints

What is the challenge? On some teams, only certain team members are allowed to start or close a sprint. Currently anyone with contributor access can open or close a sprint. What is the impact? Sprints are open or closed in error. Describe your ide...
Emily Yankush 5 months ago in Sprints 1 Future consideration

Option to Cancel Pagination in Prioritization report

In Prioritization Reports, users reported they are not able to drag and drop an record to other pages in the report due to the existing pagination design (50 records per page). Would Aha! provide an option to cancel pagination and list all records...
Hank Liu over 1 year ago in Reports 4 Future consideration

If you link an initiative to an epic, it would be nice the features linked to the epic are automatically linked to the initiative

Who would benefit? Product owners What impact would it make? Less manual work How should it work? Link epic to an initiative Pop up to link the features as well (cfr when you move an epic to another release) Without use of automation rule (no ente...
Cindy J 10 months ago in Epic 0 Future consideration

Grid edit features, ideas, initiatives

When we go through planning cycles, we find ourselves updating a dozen fields for each idea or each potential initiative to help in prioritization. Our team still tend to do this in Google Sheets / Excel, because it's much faster to make the edits...
Jonathan Berg over 8 years ago in Application 3 Future consideration

Now, Next, Later roadmap - adjust column width

What is the challenge? the group by column is so wide it takes up too much real estate. What is the impact? it makes it challenging to present these report in slideshow/PowerPoint Describe your idea Add a drop and drag function to column width sim...
Melissa Miller about 2 months ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Support the Workspace Line field in calculated columns

What is the challenge? Currently users are not able to use the Workspace Line field in reporting calculation columns. What is the impact? Not able to build out formulas referencing data in this field Describe your idea Make Workspace Line eligible...
Stephanie Lechner 4 months ago in Reports 1 Future consideration

JIRA Service Desk Request integration with ideas

We have a central point of contact for users to get in touch with us. It is via JIRA Service Desk. To keep it central, but efficient, it will be good if a submission into JIRA Service desk can take a particular issue type and automatically submit ...
Guest about 8 years ago in Ideas 15 Future consideration

Target, Commit and Stretch Lines in Feature Board

Similar to Capacity line in the feature board , we would like a target, commit, and stretch line with user defined % of capacity. Ex, 80% = commit, 100% = Target, 120% = Stretch with 3 lines. This way I could have a quick visual of my capacity in ...
Guest almost 9 years ago in Features 1 Future consideration

Hourly Digest Email - add standard idea category to the email

Please add the standard category field from ideas to the hourly digest email.
Guest 11 months ago in Ideas 1 Future consideration