At our company we are using SSO to log into AHA. Our SSO takes the name directly from our HR tools where employees tend to use their "legal" name, instead of their "preferred" name for payroll purposes. But AHA takes the first and last name from S...
Track number of Presentation Secure Web Page URL Clicks
We are testing out sharing a presentation to be self service - it would be great if we could have the ability to count the number of times the secure URL is accessed so we can measure adoption more easily
Juliette K
over 2 years ago
in Presentations
Future consideration
Provide product managers with secondary way to manage reviewer and viewer access by product
Today, administrators have to manage all aspects of access control for users to access product records for the business units in order to maintain the unit's structure/implementation of Aha! This is not scalable for the 5 admins in our unit. Produ...
Cindi Baris
about 7 years ago
in Account settings
Already exists
It would be good to display the "mail to" address for an ideas portal on both the Ideas Overview page (accessible to 'reviewers') and the portal itself.
over 9 years ago
in Ideas
Unlikely to implement
In all the description fields (in addition to bold/italic/underline/bullet points and so on), I'd like to have the "format painter" that exists in Office suite so that I can copy the formatting of a text to another text.
Emilie Takeda
over 9 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
Aha! Develop allows teams to have a unique layout for features and requirements. This helps them see the information they need for development, while hiding the information they don't. Please support this for epics as well.
Jeff Tucker
over 2 years ago
in Backlogs / Epic
Future consideration
Allow showing only a user's first name in the idea portal
Currently one can choose between anonymous or full first and last name. Would like to be able to have some middle configuration. For example First name first initial of last name. Dan A in my case...
about 7 years ago
in Ideas portal
Unlikely to implement
Add Release (Schedule) Name to Instant Notifications
I've received requests from several Aha! users to include the Release (Schedule) name and Feature (Activity) name in all notifications. The Feature (Activity) name is included in instant notifications and the Workspace name is included in the dige...
Filter Calendar report by release and/or release phase
Todos are a great way of capturing the meta work that needs to be performed within a release. Currently todos can be created at the release level and also at the release phase level too. It would be great if there was a way to filter by release th...
Justin Woods
about 7 years ago
in Reports
Will not implement
When you have many categories for Aha! Ideas, you get a list that is scrollable. However, the list of categories and the list of ideas content are scrolled together and when you filter on a category by picking it from the list on the left, it refr...
over 2 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration