Add ability to display a release description/note on the release plan gantt
Would really like to be able to include a brief descriptor or note within the gantt release plan - specifically for presentations and interdepartmental communication, the release name does not give enough description for most people to properly di...
over 2 years ago
in Releases
Already exists
Idea Votes Reporting to Add Filter on Organization
We have key customers that want to know how many ideas they created and how many votes they have added. I am trying to capture the number of votes an organization has voted on an idea, but I can't filter by org for this information.
Sara Olson
over 2 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Feature List "Initiative Filter" menu should reflect initiative "roll-up" for group selection
The "Initiative" filter on the Feature List page treats all groups of initiatives as "equal". It would be really nice if it would display based on the initiative roll-up, and then automatically select all the 'child' initiatives when setting the f...
over 9 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Clarify the use of the term "allocate seat", as it's not clear a seat can be unpaid. :-)
Hi, I had a human-error issue where I had two users in my user list that I couldn't figure out how to give them view access. I clicked the viewer access button, but nothing would happen. It turns out it was because I wasn't clicking "allocate seat...
about 7 years ago
in Account settings
Will not implement
Add ability for a user to 'unvote' for an idea, if they have previously 'voted' for it
Sometimes people click when they didn't quite mean to or maybe change their opinion. Perhaps persuasive comments in the thread or other factors means they change their mind. However, seems there's no way for a user to undo or 'unvote' for an idea ...
about 7 years ago
in Voting
Already exists
Activity cannot start until the activity it's dependent on is completed
If an activity is dependent on another activity within a plan, it would be nice if that activity cannot start until the activity it's dependent on is completed. Also it would be nice to notify the owner of that activity that they can start on thei...
Ralph Kreidly
over 4 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
Provide an Approval Process for Documents within Activities and Save Historical Versions
We use Activities under Plans to generate and deliver documents that go through an approval process. It would be helpful if those documents can go through an approval process within Aha and also save historical versions of the documents while goin...
Ralph Kreidly
over 4 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
Adding photos to user profiles humanizes the interactions between team members. I'd like to be able to upload a photo for every user I create, so I don't have to ask each user to do so.
Asim Dhital
over 2 years ago
in User management
Future consideration
As part of a good product management team, we want to regularly collaborate with people who are submitting ideas to our team. We want to be able to send them an email during these events 1) Idea is submitted - to inform that their idea has been re...
Neha S
over 4 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
Initiatives, Features, and Requirements should inherit and display all upstream attachments
Please allow nested Initiatives, Features, and Requirements to inherit and display any attachments that were added 'upstream'. Oftentimes it will make more sense to attach documents like wireframes and GUI designs, data dictionaries, etc. to a 'pa...
over 9 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement