What is the challenge? Can't bulk edit idea created date What is the impact? Workaround is to use a CSV import which contains more steps and is prone to error Describe your idea Include idea created date as a field that can be bulk edited in a lis...
Terence Osmeña
13 days ago
in Reports
Future consideration
What is the challenge? You cannot filter a workflow board in Aha! Develop via a records delivery risk. What is the impact? It would be helpful to only display records that are at risk (i.e. because the record has no estimate or assignee) so that t...
Chris Quigley
18 days ago
in Development
Future consideration
Reduce the Amount of Time for the "Publish" Button to Appear
What is the challenge? Towards the end of a documentation project, many quick, minor edits are usually made on multiple pages. We have to wait 15 seconds for the Publish button to become available after the change. What is the impact? Wasted time ...
David Yelenchic
18 days ago
in Knowledge bases
Future consideration
What is the challenge? Our team would like a good idea of how long it takes us to complete types of work, however we do not want to fully dive into capacity planning. What is the impact? Using the timer is helpful, however the capacity planning el...
about 1 month ago
in Extensions
Future consideration
Allow removing "Success metric" from View layout on Goals when OKRs are enabled
When OKRs are enabled in a workspace, it is possible to fully remove the "Success metric" field from the Create version of a Goals layout. On the View layout, that field can be hidden, but cannot be removed entirely. This should be possible so the...
Maria Plotkina
about 1 month ago
in Strategy
Planning to implement
Use AI to reference my personas and let me know what their opinions are on the features I am working on
What is the challenge? Creating personas is a really great way to help me think about my customers and their needs. Over time however it's hard to keep all that information in my head as I am writing new features or prioritising them. We also do a...
Releases available in developer - not just parking lots
What is the challenge? We have "developer users" planning their work and sprints in the form of releases. However when their releases are marked as done - there is no pushing incomplete features to the next release. (this is because it's a parking...
7 days ago
in Sprints
Future consideration
What is the challenge? Inability to create Releases in develop What is the impact? some teams need to create releases not parking lots within develop Describe your idea We want the ability to also create releases in develop and not just parking lots.
What is the challenge? We would like to highlight features that were successfully delivered in previous releases, side by side with future planning in "Now, Next, Later". What is the impact? We use multiple different views and tools outside of Aha...
Andrew G
4 months ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
What is the challenge? Unable to have multiple broadcasts that can be rotated through on a timed carousel set up What is the impact? Would allow multiple broadcasts to loop through on the display showing each for a brief time so the user could see...
Carolee Snarr
20 days ago
in Application
Future consideration