The new option for displaying column and row headings was rolled out. However, early feedback is that doesn't solve all problems. An alternative format is desired that displays the data in a hybrid List Report/Pivot Report format. It would basical...
about 9 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
Firefox spell-check should work in the text editor
Many people, including those with disabilities, rely on spell checking feature provided by browsers to highlight spelling mistakes during text entry in we forms. However, Aha! text entry fields appear to reset the browser spell checking so highlig...
Martin B
over 3 years ago
in Application
Future consideration
Add 5 Most Recent Favourite presentations to presentation Sub-Menu
It can be a bit of complicated user journey to gain access to a presentation, with multiple unnecessary clicks. To reduce this burden, it will be good if the presentations sub-menu section of the top "Reports" navigation lists the top 5 most recen...
Project Parker
over 7 years ago
in Presentations
Will not implement
Log Effort - Allow the configuration of quick actions to log typical time spent
It is possible to configure quick status transitions which is a very nice and quick way to change the status of an item in Aha. It would be excellent to have the ability to quickly log a preset amount of effort against a task as well. This button ...
Jared Gummig
over 3 years ago
in Capacity planning
Future consideration
View Product sales performance reports (data from Salesforce) through Aha!
Evaluating current product performance is a critical part of product planning and management. I want our product managers to be able to view salesforce style dashboards through Aha! based on data from salesforce reports.
about 9 years ago
in Reports
Unlikely to implement
When my ideas is merged with a master idea, I want a notification that my idea has been merged, and then need to be subscribed to updates on the master idea mine was merged into
Nate Dunlevy
over 5 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
For our workflow we need to have portal where customers: - must first log-in to portal (log-in form or automatically redirected via SSO) - access only submit form (don't see rest of the portal UI) - submit only one idea per session (after successf...
Mario Kusnjer
over 3 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
Notifications for @mentions should include my name so I know it's for me
When someone mentions me on a feature, it would really be great if the email that I get said something to indicate that. As it stands, the subject reads:[AHA] PERSON commented on FEATURE It's not descriptive, and it caused me to miss a bunch of im...
about 9 years ago
in My work
Already exists
Having difficulty ordering my Initiatives in priority order, would like the ability to just drag and drop in order. The lag time in updating the Initiative names and ordering them makes updating this page very difficult.
almost 2 years ago
in Roadmaps
Already exists