Features List - Views need an option to be NOT EDITABLE
I have created and shared views for the team to use, but then someone edits the view which is NOT desirable. If they want to change it, they should first copy the view and then save it to a new name.
Please add the ability to set a view to NOT E...
almost 10 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Report / Chart of point value of requirements in 'ready to ship' status in a given month by Product
As a Product Manager, I want to hit my release dates. We're using Aha!'s capacity planning feature and think it's a great tool. We have our Aha! configuration set up to display the point value of the original estimates of the requirements containe...
over 6 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
Dragging and dropping is difficult and annoying. Is there a way we can have an "Add to phase" button like the one we see when adding an existing epic to the roadmap?
Jaclyn Fine
about 8 years ago
in Releases
Already exists
Hi Team, It would be great if we can have bulk edit for features parked in particular sprints. For an example, in below sprint board if I can bulk edit features it will save lot of time to not edit one by one individually.
over 1 year ago
in Features
Already exists
Add a link to Big Ideas portal (big.ideas.aha.io) from the software ui
I think of ideas for Aha! software when I am interacting with the Aha! software itself. If would be very helpful if there was a shortcut link from the software UI to add an idea in the Aha big ideas portal.
Perri-Anne Sims
over 6 years ago
in Account settings
Already exists
Hi, I build and use software for more than 25 years. I use your software for 2 years now, and to be honest, i have never seen a software like yours. It is brilliant in its business use, it moves/change fast, its usage velocity is incredible thanks...
over 1 year ago
in Application
Already exists
Summary email listing user's assigned features and to-dos
As a user, I'd like to receive a daily summary email that lists:
1. open features assigned to me
2. open to-dos assigned to me
This is essentially a push of 'My Work' feature and to-do lists.
Initiative filter is not working in Idea Prioritization
Relate an Idea to an Initiative Set filter in Ideas/Prioritization for Initiative from above Refresh (although it does auto-refresh) Ideas does not display in Left panel - unexpected Using Tags until fixed.