A default to-do list default for Ideas Assessment. This will help when you have a big team of Product Managers to evaluate the Ideas. The default To-do list will help to make sure the workflow consistent and ideas will be evaluated from the same a...
over 7 years ago
in Ideas portal
Unlikely to implement
Stagger release content boxes on two rows in Feature Roadmap view
The Feature Roadmap view tends to be very wide but not very high depending on the number of releases. When this is the case, I'd like the display to stagger the release boxes at two alternating vertical heights so that they require less horizontal...
Aldon C
about 9 years ago
in Reports
Unlikely to implement
Report Dashboard - Need tweaks on existing filters
Please enhance the current filter Shared With to include NONE
This will help find Reports that aren't currently in use and can be deleted
Add a Filter Used in Notebook
We need some method to identify which Reports are part of a Notebook and wh...
Joe Carpenter
about 6 years ago
in Reports
Unlikely to implement
As an Aha! user, I want to sign up to receive notifications for any feature/idea mapped to a certain tag
Currently, we have a group of users that has to filter ideas or features based on certain tags that pertain to them, and manually choose to "watch" those ideas/features. If they fail to do this manual setup, then they miss out on changes that they...
Allowing filtering when creating product relationship custom field
Currently if you create a custom field of type Aha! record relationship - Products field then the values available for users of that field see the entire product hierarchy.We need to be able to filter that down to a specific Product Line and/or Pr...
Mark Taylor
about 6 years ago
in Account settings
Unlikely to implement
Have ability to select which Features move with a Master Feature
Currently, when moving a Master Feature, there is the ability to move ALL related Features with it or move none of the related Features. Would be helpful to be able to granularly select which Features to move with a Master Feature.
cheryl fetchko
about 6 years ago
in Epic
Unlikely to implement
Bug? Promote to Feature, Delete, then can no longer Promote to Feature
Is the following a bug? Promoted an Idea to Feature, then (still) on Idea page, delete the promoted Feature. Now, can no longer Promote to a Feature, but promotion UI drop-down provides two options to promote to Epic.
over 1 year ago
in Ideas
Unlikely to implement
We have initiatives at the company level that represent large investments across multiple products. We'd like to be able to associate this initiative directly to saved reports that are associated so that we can centralize & standardize the ent...
about 6 years ago
in Reports
Unlikely to implement
Update Original “Feature Created By” to Current Release owner
Whena new release is created, all the associated features are also included (by the original release creator ). However, when you re-assign the Release Owner drop down to another person, the “Feature Created By” is not automatically updated.
We ...
almost 8 years ago
in Releases
Unlikely to implement