When viewing the list of features in the master features, we can see the feature name, with a link to open it, and its status. The status should be a dropdown to quickly change the status of each feature directly from the master feature.
over 6 years ago
in Epic
Future consideration
I am a department manager who is focused on developing team capabilities and making improvements to people, processes, technology wrt my team.
I'm looking for a way to create and track a roadmap of initiatives that can be implemented as part of ...
almost 9 years ago
in Application
Already exists
When I'm viewing the progress of an active release via the retrospective report, I want to see any delivery risks for features in the release so I can proactively work to address them.
Jeff Tucker
over 1 year ago
in Reports
Future consideration
We are using organization votes as the catalyst to review ideas for the next gate in our development phase but in the automation rules only the total votes can be used to automate a to-do creation for the idea owner. We would like set a rule that ...
Jerimiah Rudden
over 1 year ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
When using the Aha Epics Roadmap option, the releases do not visually align with the chronological timeline. This creates some dissonance when understanding when things occur. When there is space to do so on the roadmap, it would be helpful to hav...
Alia Abboud
over 2 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
I've commented on a requirement; until I click on the requirement, there's no indication that there's additional information to be seen. On Features' Board and Details views each feature card has a comment counter, but it doesn't reflect comments ...
Chris Waters
over 10 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
Custom Reports Cells: Add linefeeds between fields when adding multiple fields to a cell with 'cell wrap' turned on.
When creating pivot table reports, we enable ‘Allow table cells to wrap‘ and add multiple fields (epic name and objective name) to the cell. The issue: when adding multiple fields, they append on the same line making the cell difficult to read as ...
over 7 years ago
in Reports
Will not implement
In Aha! we can see the current snapshot of our strategy. Although the vision shouldn't really change over time, the Business Model does change. The competitor information also changes. When the business model changes, then your goals and initiativ...
Emil Stoychev
over 7 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
Workspace Users View - Add Column for Paid Seat Group
As we have more workspaces under our account, I'm allowing Product Owners to add in users. They seem to forget to place their user under a Paid seat group, which places them in a "None" group. Are you able to add a "Paid Seat Group" under the view...
Victoria Morrella
almost 4 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration