I have a user who has identified a presentation that is currently owned by a user who has left our company. I am able to take over the presentations, but the link provided doesn’t indicate which presentation name should be opened. The user who has...
almost 4 years ago
in Presentations
Future consideration
Bulk delete users added through SSO who will not be allowed product access
We have several hundred users in Aha! who have been added because they saw the Aha! icon on our SSO portal and were curious to know more. This has built up over the recent weeks and requires a lot of effort to delete each user individually when th...
Chris Brooks
over 5 years ago
in Application
Future consideration
We would like to be able to hide and un-hide the Description and Contact fields on the epic level. A plus or minus sign that closes or expands the section would be perfect. In the new view, the rows are taller and columns wider, which requires mor...
Ginger Alford
almost 5 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
Allow the selection and copy of text from a note without marking the note as updated
Currently anytime someone clicks into and selects text from a note, those watching the note get notified that the note was updated, when in reality all that happened was someone highlighted and copied text out of it. This gives a lot of false posi...
Matt Case
almost 5 years ago
in Notes
Future consideration
There is a fundamental flaw in how you calculate cycle time in develop. It calculated from the 1st in progress step on the workflow. If you rigidly follow each step then it would work fine, but in Kanban you can skip steps if they don't apply. You...
Mike Lowery
almost 2 years ago
in Workflow boards
Future consideration
IT would be great to have an undo or recycling bin for ignore integrations. It's happened on multiple occasions where someone accidently has one checked that they didn't mean to ignore. Along these lines, it would be nice to have an undo button fo...
Fatimah Gorin
almost 5 years ago
in Application
Future consideration
Improve Note Editing Functionality (avoid typing over each other)
In notes, our team collaborates and does real-time edits. Unfortunately, we tend to type over each other and sometime the users are bundled, too. Is there a way to prevent us from typing over each others changes?
Marina Reyna
almost 3 years ago
in Notes
Future consideration
At present, files attached to a persona field only display when viewing the persona details drawer, and the attachments aren't visible on the persona profile view itself. It would useful to have this provision for persons profile view.
Bharat K
almost 3 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Hello, In addition to already implementing this feature (which I am not in conflict with), can you also add an option to allow users reorder the workspaces to the order they deem important? Workspaces in our business have different orders of impor...
Todd Materazzi
almost 2 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Half of our country is in EU-Central, and drilling down on ticket details shows a spinner for about 1-10 seconds, which inhibits productivity. Would like for it to be as responsive in EU as it is in US.
almost 2 years ago
in Application
Already exists