We would like to be able to hide and un-hide the Description and Contact fields on the epic level. A plus or minus sign that closes or expands the section would be perfect.
In the new view, the rows are taller and columns wider, which requires more scrolling than in the past. We do not use these fields (currently) so being able to hide them and reopen them at will will give us a better UI.
Good news - this is possible already! You can customize the proxy vote field layout. If you remove the Description or Contact field from the proxy vote creation form, it will also be hidden in the proxy vote table.
I also want to use Proxy Voting, but not the Description field -- that field is a large empty chunk of the display of a list of Proxy Votes for an Idea, which looks clunky when sharing the view with customers.
I agree, those fields affect readability negatively and are not that useful for our organization aswell. Especially when using the salesforce plugn, it prevents from seeing the important information on first sight. You have to scroll in order to see the opportunity value and the link to the opportunity.