Currently the functionality exists to color the bars by assignee but those colors are designated by Aha and we cannot customize them. This would be helpful for organization and allow associations to be standard across reports to make decisions qui...
Dylan Kogut
over 4 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
Who would benefit? All graphs users What impact would it make? Make graphs more easily understood /contextual How should it work? in a donut/cirlce graph please input a text box/calc in the center that displays the total of the population represented
Mary Vanausdale
about 1 year ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Make Navigation bar clearer for what product you are on
Biggest confusion I have so far is the UI "top bar." I spent 3 hrs adding content in Vision and Strategy on the wrong product! I'm sure there's a clearer way to highlight which product the user is on.
over 5 years ago
in Application
Future consideration
Allow idea portal SSO to use the main account SSO for auth
I would like the option to reuse the SSO from the main Aha account SSO for any idea portal we create. So in the idea portal SSO tab, you could pick the Aha account SSO to use for auth on the portal. My struggle at the moment is to have our securit...
Brian Carr
about 8 years ago
in User management
Unlikely to implement
Master Release show % Complete Based on Child Releases
On the Master, Release show the % Complete based on the Children Releases % Complete. This should roll up based on Total % Complete divided by number of associated Releases
Stephen Morse
over 5 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
Hide Done or rejected Initiatives from drop selector in Feature card
Currently all Initiatives regardless of status appear in the drop down in the feature card when linking through - it would be ideal to not have the done or rejected Initiatives display in the drop down. As a work around we have to rename them and ...
over 2 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Add in-line comments to aha! views (reports) in notes
Currently we use MS Word for a lot of our reporting, and we would like to make the switch to notes to share our status updates thanks to the dynamic reporting and aha! views that we can embed and update on the fly. However, we also make extensive ...
Add a throughput report to help Kanban teams with Service Level Estimates
What is the challenge? There currently is no way to calculate SLEs inside of Aha!. What is the impact? I have to export the data to a spreadsheet and then calculate it myself. Describe your idea Add a report that looks at team performance and calc...
Mike Lowery
7 months ago
in Agile reports
Future consideration
What is the challenge? People are notoriously bad at estimating, points or hours are equally bad, and often people feel pressured into lower estimates, making the problem worse. What is the impact? Accurate sprint planning is hard to do and repeat...
Mike Lowery
7 months ago
in Sprints
Future consideration
What is the challenge? Status reporting can often hide problems in delivery and we may not know if there are issue until it's too late. The date line and the % complete are ok, and you can see when something is "late", the challenge is "when might...
Mike Lowery
7 months ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration