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Need to be able to left justify rows and columns in a pivot report

What is the challenge? Fields added on the Row or Column level in a pivot report are always center justified, e.g. text fields. What is the impact? When creating a pivot report using rows and columns, the text is always centered justified. Imagine...
Pauline Wong 5 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Pivot Column Heading Name Span over headings

What is the challenge? The Pivot Column heading is using too much real-estate What is the impact? Real Estate not utilized correctly Describe your idea Ensure the heading is stretched over the columns (see red Arrow)
Guest 5 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Enable record link display to be customised in reports

Who would benefit? All users What impact would it make? Record links which have been added to description fields can be modified to show the name of the record. When bringing this description field into a report the record link display reverts bac...
Stuart Blair 11 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Ability to set Feature Type when promoting an Idea

When I promote an Idea to a Feature, I would like to automatically set the Feature TYPE field based on information in the Idea record. The Idea CATEGORIES field is similar to the Feature TYPE, but multiple values can be selected for the CATEGORIES...
Roger Oliver over 3 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Duplication of data in pivot report

There is a duplication issue when creating a pivot report at the epic level when you add in a multi-select field from associated features. The report in question is used to provide leadership with insight at the epic level, but we want to include ...
Annika Hudson about 3 years ago in Reports 2 Future consideration

Trending Graph for the Dashboard of point in time stats

I like the Dashboard feature, but I'm forced to pull my numbers into Excel because there is no way in AHA to tell it to grab the last day of the month for each of my record counts and produce a line graph. It would be really great to be able to sh...
John Michaels over 4 years ago in Reports 1 Future consideration

Notebook sidebar organization

Who would benefit? Users trying to find and view things quickly What impact would it make? More user control over sidebar organization in Notebook; reduced cognitive load How should it work? Ability to add Divider lines Expand all/collapse all fun...
Guest 11 months ago in Notes 0 Future consideration

Ability to filter on reference num

It would be incredibly helpful to be able to filter a report based on a list of specific reference num values (we especially need this at the feature level, but I imagine this would be useful for all objects). Ideally this would be a list of exist...
Gene Lewin almost 2 years ago in Reports 1 Future consideration

Converting sticky notes to other record types should not bypass any required fields processes

When converting sticky notes in a whiteboard to other record types, we don't want users to be able to bypass required field entry for those record types. I have found other areas within Aha! where required field entry can be bypassed when creating...
Emily Millman over 1 year ago in Whiteboards 0 Future consideration

Allow reusing prefix for products and product lines

I accidentally changed the prefix for one of the products and now it won't let me reuse the previous prefix. Also once you change the prefix for a product, it doesn't update the existing records. It should allow for a prefix to be reused and also ...
Guest almost 9 years ago in Application 9 Unlikely to implement